*’akrotiri’ + ‘dhekelia’*


(as of “5 august 2011”)




officially the Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia (SBA; Greek: Περιοχές Κυρίαρχων Βάσεων Ακρωτηρίου και Δεκέλιας; Turkish: Egemen Üs Bölgeleri Ağrotur ve Dikelya)


(“akrotiri and dhekelia” is a “British Overseas Territory” on the island of ‘Cyprus’)

(the areas, which include ‘British’ military bases and installations, as well as other land, were retained by the ‘British’ under the “1960 treaty of independence”, signed by the ‘United Kingdom’, ‘Greece’, ‘Turkey’ and representatives from the ‘Greek’ and ‘Turkish’ “Cypriot” communities, which granted independence to the “Crown colony” of ‘Cyprus’).

(the territory serves an important role as a station for ‘signals intelligence’ and provides a vital strategic part of the ‘United Kingdom’ communications gathering and monitoring network in the ‘Mediterranean’ and the ‘Middle East’)

(the ‘territory’ comprises two ‘Base Areas’)

(one is “Akrotiri” (Greek: Ακρωτήρι [akroˈtiri]; Turkish: Ağrotur), or the Western Sovereign Base Area (WSBA), which includes two main bases at ‘RAF Akrotiri’ and ‘Episkopi’, plus all of Akrotiri Village’s ‘district’ (including “Limassol Salt Lake”) and parts of 11 other ‘village districts’)

(the other area is ‘dhekelia cantonment’ (Δεκέλεια [ðeˈceʎa]Dikelya), or the Eastern Sovereign Base Area (ESBA), which includes a base at ‘ayios nikolaos’ plus parts of ’12 village districts’)


















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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