-as of [3 MARCH 2024]–
*TYPES* —>
-an anti-oxidant is a molecule that inhibits the “oxidation” of other [molecules]-
(“oxidation” is a ‘chemical reaction’ that can produce “free radicals”, leading to ‘chain reactions’ that may damage cells)
(‘anti-oxidants’ (such as ‘thiols’ or ‘ascorbic acid” (aka ‘vitamin C’)) terminate these ‘chain reactions’)
(the term “antioxidant” is mainly used for 2 different groups of substances…)
*‘industrial chemicals’ which are added to products to prevent ‘oxidation’*
*‘natural chemicals’ found in ‘foods’ + ‘body tissue’ which are said to have ‘beneficial health effects’*
(to balance the ‘oxidative state’, ‘plants’ + ‘animals’ maintain complex systems of over-lapping ‘anti-oxidants’…)
(…such as ‘glutathione’ + ‘enzymes’ (eg ‘catalase’ + ‘super-oxide dismutase’) produced internally)
(the ‘dietary anti-oxidants’)
(‘vitamin A’ / ‘vitamin C’ / ‘vitamin E’)
(“anti-oxidant dietary supplements” do not improve health nor are they effective in preventing diseases)
(are we sure about that?)
(‘randomized clinical trials’ including supplements of (‘beta-carotene’ / ‘vitamin A’ / ‘vitamin E’) -[‘singly’ (or in ‘different combinations’)]- found no effect on ‘mortality rate’ + ‘cancer risk’)
(they ‘may even’ (?) increase ‘cancer risk’)
(‘quantize your ‘may’ + get back to me with an ‘percentage estimate’)
(supplementation with (‘selenium’ / ‘vitamin E’) does not reduce the risk of ‘cardio-vascular disease’)
(“oxidative stress” can be considered as either a cause or consequence of some diseases, an area of research stimulating drug development for antioxidant compounds for use as potential therapies)
(“industrial anti-oxidants” have diverse uses, such as…)
*food/cosmetics preservatives*
*inhibitors of ‘(‘rubber / gasoline) deterioration’*
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥