
-in ‘organic chemistry’, the term aromaticity is used to describe a ‘cyclic’ (ring-shaped), ‘planar’ (flat) ‘molecule’ with a ‘ring’ of ‘resonance bonds’ that exhibits more ‘stability’ than other ‘geometric’ or ‘connective’ arrangements with the same set of ‘atoms’-


(‘aromatic’ molecules are very ‘stable’, and do not break apart easily to react with other substances)

(‘organic compounds’ that are not ‘aromatic’ are classified as ‘aliphatic compounds’ — they might be ‘cyclic’, but only ‘aromatic rings’ have ‘special stability’ (aka ‘low reactivity’))

(since the most common ‘aromatic compounds’ are derivatives of ‘benzene’ (an ‘aromatic hydrocarbon’ common in ‘petroleum’ and its ‘distillates’), the word “aromatic” occasionally refers informally to ‘benzene derivatives’, and so it was first defined)

(nevertheless, many ‘non-benzene aromatic compounds’ exist)

(in ‘living organisms’, for example, the most common ‘aromatic rings’ are the ‘double-ringed bases’ in ‘RNA’ and ‘DNA’)

(an ‘aromatic functional group’ or other ‘substituent’ is called an ‘aryl group’)

(the earliest use of the term “aromatic” was in an article by ‘august wilhelm hofmann’ in 1855)

(‘hofmann’ used the term for a class of ‘benzene’ compounds, many of which have ‘odors’ (aka ‘aromas’), unlike ‘pure saturated hydrocarbons’)

(‘aromaticity’ as a chemical property bears no general relationship with the ‘olfactory properties’ of such compounds (‘how they smell’), although in ‘1855’, before the structure of ‘benzene’ or ‘organic compounds’ was understood, chemists like ‘hofmann’ were beginning to understand that ‘odiferous molecules’ from ‘plants’, such as ‘terpenes’, had ‘chemical properties’ that we recognize today are similar to ‘unsaturated petroleum hydrocarbons’ like ‘benzene’)

(in terms of the ‘electronic nature’ of the ‘molecule’, ‘aromaticity’ describes a ‘conjugated system’ often made of alternating ‘single’ and ‘double bonds’ in a ‘ring’)

(this configuration allows for the ‘electrons’ in the molecule’s ‘pi system’ to be ‘delocalized’ around the ‘ring’, increasing the molecule’s ‘stability’)

(the molecule cannot be represented by 1 structure, but rather a ‘resonance hybrid’ of different structures, such as with the 2 ‘resonance structures’ of ‘benzene’)

(these ‘molecules’ cannot be found in either one of these ‘representations’, with the longer ‘single bonds’ in one location and the shorter ‘double bond’ in another)

(rather, the ‘molecule’ exhibits ‘bond lengths’ in between those of ‘single’ and ‘double bonds’)

(this commonly-seen ‘model’ of ‘aromatic rings’, namely the idea that ‘benzene’ was formed from a ‘6-membered’ ‘carbon ring’ with alternating ‘single’ and ‘double’ bonds (‘cyclohexatriene’), was developed by ‘august kekulé’)

(the model for ‘benzene’ consists of 2 ‘resonance forms’, which corresponds to the ‘double’ and ‘single’ bonds superimposing to produce 6 ‘one-and-a-half bonds’)

(‘benzene’ is a more ‘stable’ molecule than would be expected without accounting for ‘charge delocalization’)








👈👈👈☜*“HYDRO-CARBONS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥