-blood type-




*aka ‘blood group’*


“what is my ‘blood type’?”

“what are my parents blood types?”

(buy a “blood type testing kit” at a pharmacy for $10)

(“draw blood”)
(“what’s the harm?”)


-a blood type is a classification of ‘blood’ based on the presence and absence of ‘antibodies’ and also based on the presence or absence of ‘inherited antigenic substances’ on the surface of ‘red blood cells’ (RBCs)-


(so 3 basic categories:)

(“A” and “B” “antigens” on “red blood cells”)
(“A” and “B” “antibodies” in “plasma”)
(a third antigen called the “Rh factor” which can be either ‘present’ (+) or ‘absent’ (-))

(has “A” antigen on “red blood cells”)
(has “B” antibody in “plasma”)
(can only donate blood to “type A” and “type AB”)
(NOT “type B” or “type O”)


(has “B” antigen on “red blood cells”)
(and “A” antibody in “plasma”)
(can only donate blood to “type B” and “type AB”)
(NOT “type A” or “type O”)


(has “A” and “B” antigens on “red blood cells”)
(has NO antibodies in “plasma”)
(can only donate blood to “type ABS”)
(NOT any others)
(but can RECEIVE donations from all others)


(has NO antigens on “red blood cells”)
(has “A” and “B” antibodies in “plasma”)
(“universal donor”)


(“type O positive” is most common “blood type”)
(most common for “caucasians”)
(EVEN MORE COMMON with “asians” / “african-americans” / “latino-americans”)


(“type A positive” is next most common “blood type”)


“type O negative”
(“the universal donor”)
(no A + B antigens on red blood cells)
(but both A + B antibodies in plasma)


(these ‘antigens’ may be ‘proteins’, ‘carbohydrates’, ‘glycoproteins’, or ‘glycolipids’, depending on the ‘blood group system’)

(some of these ‘antigens’ are also present on the surface of other types of ‘cells’ of various ’tissues’)

(several of these ‘red blood cell surface antigens’ can stem from one ‘allele’ (or an alternative version of a ‘gene’) and collectively form a ‘blood group system’)

(‘blood types’ are inherited and represent contributions from both parents)

(a total of 35 ‘human blood group systems’ are now recognized by the ‘International Society of Blood Transfusion’ (ISBT))

(the two most important ones are ‘ABO’ and the ‘RhD’ antigen; they determine someone’s blood type (A, B, AB and O, with +, − or Null denoting ”RhD’ status))

(many pregnant women carry a ‘fetus’ with a ‘blood type’ which is different from their own, which is not a problem)

(what can matter is whether the baby is RhD positive or negative)

(mothers who are RhD- and carry a RhD+ baby can form ‘antibodies’ against fetal RBCs)

(sometimes these maternal antibodies are ‘IgG’, a small immunoglobulin, which can cross the placenta and cause ‘hemolysis’ of fetal RBCs, which in turn can lead to ‘hemolytic disease’ of the newborn called ‘erythroblastosis fetalis’, an illness of ‘low fetal blood counts’ that ranges from ‘mild’ to ‘severe’)

(sometimes this is lethal for the ‘fetus’; in these cases it is called ‘hydrops fetalis’)

(what if “blood type” measured capacity for “sharing” / “giving” / “receiving” in a people?”)

(“type ABS” then would be the most “selfish”)
(that is more pleasure rewards for “receiving” over “giving”)

(“type Os” the most “generous”)
(that is “tis better to give than to receive”)

(in this case you WANT to be “negative”)
(you don’t want “antigens” in “red blood cells”)
(you want “antibodies” in “plasma”)

(or is this the opposite?)
(do restrictions on “blood donation” just mean that you are “special”?)
(and need all the blood for yourself)

(like a “vampire”)








👈👈👈☜*“BLOOD”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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