-bose journals-

-as of [5 MAY 2024]


-i recorded my songs using ‘bose noise-reducing headphones’ from [fall 2005] to [summer 2011]-


(while taking the “chinatown bus” out of ‘manhattan’ back to ‘massachusetts’ in ‘summer 2011’ (to pick up the GMC yukon and attend a court date after my ‘DWI bust’ / talking about ‘going backwards’!), my ‘bose headphones’ broke)

(so i usurped my mother’s ‘bose headphones’ (‘smaller’ but ultimately better)…instead of using ‘AAA batteries’, these headphones featured a ‘rechargeable slide-in battery’)

(came equipped with special ‘charger’ outlet for the ‘removable battery’)

(the ‘left channel’ failed in ‘april 2014’)

(i couldn’t even pawn them at a trenton pawnshop)

(i listened to music through my ‘ipod’ from the time i was a college sophomore)

(even before that ‘grandma naj’ gave me a ‘portable CD player’ sometime ’round ‘7th grade’)

(…at first i was satisfied with the standard ‘apple headphones’ but as they began to crackle to eventual silence time and time again after a few months’ intensive use, i opted for the ‘bose headphones’)

(whenever they’d start to ‘crackle’, i’d simply “borrow” my mother’s ‘ipod headphones’)

(potential ‘ear damage’ from constant headphone grooving?)

(but during my years in ‘NYC’ i’d always have the ‘headphones’ in and my ‘hearing’ seems to be ‘fine’)

(my first set of ‘studio headphones’ were ‘bose noise-cancelling headphones’ i’d gotten as a christmas present from my ‘grandma naj’)

(i started using those in ‘fall 2005’ when i started recording the ‘finest hour” CD)

(i tried buying “proper” studio headphones at the local ‘sam ash’ but the ‘bose headphones’ sounded better through my cheap little M-audio 2-mic input ‘preamp’ plugged into my ‘dell computer’ running the most ‘basic’ version of ‘cubase’)

(not sure which kind of earbuds i use now)

(my old man gave them to be around ‘christmas 2017’)

(along with his old laptop)

(i’ve already used 2 of his old ‘phones’)

(after my phone was stolen @ ‘jefferson market library’ in ‘summer 2016’)

“my mother was raped by ‘bill cosby’…”

(“any further questions, your honor?)

“my mother was murdered by ‘OJ simpson’, your honor…”

i listened to music through my ipod from the time i was a college sophomore…

at first i was satisfied with the standard apple headphones but as they began to crackle, i opted for the bose headphones…

whenever they’d start to crackle, i’d simply “borrow” my mother’s ipod headphones…

i often worried about potential ear damage from constant headphone grooving but during my years in NYC i’d always have the headphones in and my hearing seems to be fine…

my first set of studio headphones were bose noise-cancelling headphones i’d gotten as a christmas present from my grandma naj…

i tried buying “proper” studio headphones at the local ‘sam ash’ but the bose headphones sounded better…















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. “bose corporation” | *JoGa Jungle*

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