
*AKA* —>




[the bottom quark is a ‘3rd-generation quark’]


*electric charge of ‘-1/3’*


*named because ‘top/bottom quarks’ have similar relationship? as ‘up/down quarks’*


(although all ‘quarks’ are described in a similar way by ‘quantum chromodynamics’, the bottom quark’s large ‘bare mass’ (around ‘4.2 GeV/c2‘ a bit more than 4 times the mass of a ‘proton’), combined with low values of the ‘CKM matrix elements’ Vub and Vcb, gives it a distinctive signature that makes it relatively easy to identify experimentally (using a technique called ‘B-tagging’))

(because 3 generations of ‘quark’ are required for ‘CP violation’ (see ‘CKM matrix’), ‘mesons’ containing the ‘bottom quark’ are the easiest particles to use to investigate the phenomenon; such experiments are being performed at the ‘BaBar’, ‘Belle’, and ‘LHCb experiments’)

(the ‘bottom quark’ is also notable because it is a product in almost all ‘top quark’ decays, and is a frequent ‘decay product’ for the ‘higgs boson’)

(the ‘bottom quark’ was theorized in ‘1973’ by physicists ‘makoto kobayashi’ and ‘toshihide maskawa’ to explain ‘CP violation’)

(the name “bottom” was introduced in 1975 by ‘haim harari’)

(the ‘bottom quark’ was discovered in ‘1977’ by the ‘fermilab E288’ experiment team led by ‘leon m. lederman’, when collisions produced ‘bottomonium’)

(‘kobayashi’ and ‘maskawa’ won the ‘2008 nobel prize’ in ‘physics’ for their explanation of ‘CP-violation’)

(on its discovery, there were efforts to name the bottom quark “beauty”, but “bottom” became the predominant usage)

(the ‘bottom quark’ can decay into either an ‘up quark’ or ‘charm quark’ via the ‘weak interaction’)


(both these ‘decays’ are suppressed by the ‘CKM matrix’, making lifetimes of most ‘bottom particles’ (~10−12 s) somewhat higher than those of ‘charmed particles’ (~10−13 s), but lower than those of ‘strange particles’ (from ~10−10 to ~10−8 s))








👈👈👈☜*“THE QUARK”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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