buggery (lyrics)

(aka “anal sex”)


ye little buggers didn’t listen
(to the left brain)

now we’re abandoning the mission…

embracing the hate…

fighting my jealous relations…

whose expectations mistaken…

calling in the hound dogs)
(ye little buggers shouldn’t worry)

we were merely in your brain and now we’re leaving in a hurry…

escaping the flames…
leaving a stain…
assuming the rank…

abandon the plan…
make up your own rendition…
resist all temptation…


they’ll eat you alive…

they’re skinning the snakes…

(‘you sound like a manwhore’)


(whoopedy doo)

an annoying disappointment…

where did you learn to shoot?
she’s so cute…
taking over the whole damn room…

escaping with our souls intact…

a burst in the mission…


embrace the hate

embrace the jealousy

long for change…

like the princeton girls sniffing for your corpses…

like the hound dogs…

ye little buggers shouldn’t worry…

“have a good day now…”

“i’m just saying…”

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  1. buggery | *JoGa Jungle*

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