
-as of [10 JULY 2024]


“clear cache!”
(and ‘cookies’)






*pronounced “kash“*

(from french ‘cacher’)

(“to hide”)


*2 TYPES* IN macOS –>








(NOT /System/Cache)


*open ‘finder window’*


*open ‘go to’ window* –>

[SHIFT] + [COMMAND] + [g]


*copy/paste the ‘filepaths’*

*hit ‘return’*
























*in ‘computing’, a cache is a ‘hardware’ (or ‘software’) component that stores ‘data’ so ‘future requests’ for that ‘data’ can be served faster*


*what other ‘wares’ are there?*


(and its converse “fire wire”)


(the data stored in a ‘cache’ might be the result of an earlier computation, or the duplicate of data stored elsewhere)

(a cache hit occurs when the requested data can be found in a ‘cache’, while a cache miss occurs when it cannot)

(‘cache hits’ are served by reading data from the ‘cache’, which is faster than recomputing a result or reading from a slower data store; thus, the more requests can be served from the ‘cache’, the faster the system performs)

(to be ‘cost-effective’ and to enable efficient use of data, ‘caches’ are relatively small)

(nevertheless, ‘caches’ have proven themselves in many areas of computing because access patterns in typical computer applications exhibit the locality of reference)


(moreover, ‘access patterns’ exhibit ‘temporal locality’ if data is requested again that has been recently requested already, while ‘spatial locality’ refers to requests for data physically stored close to data that has been already ‘requested’)








👈👈👈☜*“TEMPORARY FILES”* ☞ 👉👉👉

“aren’t we all?”









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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