
*AKA* —>






-the charm quark is the “3rd most massive” of all ‘quarks’ (a type of ‘elementary particle’)-


*electric charge of ‘+2/3’*


*named because it was the ‘charm’ that completed the theory?*


(“charm quarks” are found in ‘hadrons’, which are ‘subatomic particles’ made of ‘quarks’)


(example of ‘hadrons’ containing ‘charm quarks’ include…)

J/ψ meson (J/ψ)

D mesons (D)

charmed Sigma baryons (Σc)

(…and other ‘charmed particles’…)


(it (along with the ‘strange quark’) is part of the ‘2nd generation’ of ‘matter’, and has an electric charge of +2/3 e and a bare mass of 1.29+0.05−0.11 GeV/c2)

(like all quarks, the ‘charm quark’ is an ‘elementary fermion’ with spin 1/2, and experiences all 4 ‘fundamental interactions’)


‘weak interactions’
’strong interactions’


(the anti-particle of the ‘charm quark’ is the charm anti-quark (sometimes called anticharm quark or simply anticharm), which differs from it only in that some of its properties have ‘equal magnitude’ but ‘opposite sign’)

(the existence of a ‘4th quark’ had been speculated by a number of authors around 1964 (for instance by ‘james bjorken’ + ‘sheldon glashow’), but its prediction is usually credited to ‘sheldon glashow’, ‘john iliopoulos’ and ‘luciano maiani’ in 1970 (see ‘GIM mechanism’))

(the first ‘charmed particle’ (a particle containing a “charm quark”) to be discovered was the ‘J/ψ meson’)

(it was discovered by a team at the ‘stanford linear accelerator center’ (SLAC), led by ‘burton richter’, and one at the ‘brookhaven national laboratory’ (BNL), led by ‘samuel ting’)

(the ‘1974 discovery’ of the J/ψ (and thus the ‘charm quark’) ushered in a series of breakthroughs which are collectively known as the “november revolution”)








👈👈👈☜*“THE QUARK”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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