"classical guitar journals"

(the “ultimate” form of guitar)

(“or so ‘they’ say…”)

(at least according to my former guitar instructor ‘don juan rodrigo’)

(he claimed that ‘segovia’ was the greatest guitarist of all time)

i never cared much for fingerstyle guitar…

(the ‘professor’ gave me his ‘yamaha classical guitar’ before departing for ‘europe’ in ‘summer 2009’)

i used it on several tracks that summer…

(in ‘october 2014’, i broke my ‘taylor’ and relied on the ‘classical guitar’ for ‘busking purposes’)

i don’t have any extra nylon strings…

the neck is shorter + wider…

and it doesn’t have the same reference dots on the fretboard…

(still it sounded good when i busked in the rain in princeton last ‘saturday night’)


“11 november 2014” –>

(finally broke a string on the ‘classical guitar’)

(while busking in princeton)

(the low E string)


(now i must have ‘cheryl lynn’ buy me a set of ‘nylon strings’ @ ‘russo music’ tomorrow)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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