
-as of [25 JULY 2024]








(invented in ‘1886’ by ‘jonathan pemberton’)


(often referred to simply as “coke”)


-[coca-cola] is an ‘american carbonated soft drink’ produced by “the coca-cola company” in ‘atlanta’ (/ ‘georgia’ / ‘united states’)-


(originally intended as a ‘patent medicine’, it was invented in the ‘late 1800s’ by ‘john pemberton’)

(‘coca-cola’ was bought out by businessman “asa griggs candler”, whose marketing tactics led ‘coke’ to its dominance of the ‘world soft-drink market’ throughout the ‘1900s’)

(the drink’s name refers to 2 of its original ingredients, which were ‘kola nuts’ (a source of ‘caffeine’) and ‘coca leaves’)

(the current formula of ‘coca-cola’ remains a ‘trade secret’, although a variety of ‘reported recipes’ + ‘experimental recreations’ have been published)

(the ‘coca-cola company’ produces ‘concentrate’, which is then sold to licensed ‘coca-cola’ bottlers throughout the world)

(the ‘bottlers’, who hold ‘exclusive territory contracts’ with the ‘company’, produce the ‘finished product’ in ‘cans’ + ‘bottles’ from the ‘concentrate’, in combination with ‘filtered water’ + ‘sweeteners’)

(a typical ’12-US-fluid-ounce’ (or ‘350 ml’) can contains ’38 grams’ (or ‘1.3 oz’) of ‘sugar’ (usually in the form of ‘high fructose corn syrup’))

(the ‘bottlers’ then [‘sell’ / ‘distribute’ / ‘merchandise’] ‘coca-cola’ to [‘retail stores’ / ‘restaurants’ / ‘vending machines’] throughout the world)

(the ‘coca-cola company’ also sells ‘concentrate’ for ‘soda fountains’ of ‘major restaurants’ + ‘food service distributors’)

(the ‘coca-cola company’ has on occasion introduced other ‘cola drinks’ under the ‘coke’ name)


(the most common of these is ‘diet coke’, with others including…)


‘caffeine-free diet coke’




(and special versions with ‘lemon’ / ‘lime’ / ‘coffee’)


(based on ‘interbrand’s’ ‘best global brand’ study of ‘2015’, ‘coca-cola’ was the world’s ‘3rd most valuable brand’)


(in ‘2013’, ‘coke products’ were sold in over ‘200 countries’ worldwide, with consumers downing more than ‘1.8 billion company beverage servings’ each day)








👈👈👈☜*“SODA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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