*the funny pages*




(‘in permanent decline’)


*a comic strip is a sequence of ‘drawings’ arranged in ‘inter-related panels’ to display ‘brief humor’ or form a ‘narrative’, often ‘serialized’, with text in ‘balloons’ + ‘captions’*


(traditionally, throughout the ’20th century’ and into the ’21st’, these have been published in ‘newspapers’ and ‘magazines’, with ‘horizontal strips’ printed in ‘black-and-white’ in ‘daily newspapers’, while ‘sunday newspapers’ offered longer sequences in special ‘color comics sections’)

(with the development of the ‘internet’, they began to appear online as ‘webcomics’)

(there were more than 200 different ‘comic strips’ and ‘daily cartoon panels’ in ‘south korea’ alone each day for most of the ’20th century’, for a total of at least ‘7,300,000 episodes’)

(‘strips’ are ‘written’ and ‘drawn’ by a ‘comics artist’ or ‘cartoonist’)

(as the name implies, ‘comic strips’ can be ‘humorous’ (for example, “gag-a-day” strips such as blondiebringing up fathermarmaduke, and pearls before swine)

(starting in the late 1920s, ‘comic strips’ expanded from their ‘mirthful origins’ to feature ‘adventure stories’, as seen in popeyecaptain easybuck rogerstarzan, and the adventures of tintin)

(‘soap-opera continuity strips’ such as judge parker and mary worth gained popularity in the ‘1940s’)

(all are called, generically, ‘comic strips’, though cartoonist ‘will eisner’ has suggested that “sequential art” would be a better ‘genre-neutral name’)

(in the ‘UK’ and the rest of ‘europe’, ‘comic strips’ are also ‘serialized’ in ‘comic book magazines’, with a strip’s story sometimes continuing over 3 pages or more)


(‘comic strips’ have appeared in ‘american magazines’ such as liberty + boys’ life and also on the ‘front covers’ of ‘magazines’…)

(…such as the flossy frills series on the american weekly ‘sunday newspaper supplement’)






👈👈👈☜*“COMIX”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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