
“CREE ol”


*a creole language is a ‘stable natural language’ developed from a mixture of different ‘languages’*


(while the ‘concept’ is similar to that of a ‘mixed’ (or ‘hybrid’) language (in the ‘strict sense of the ‘term’), a ‘mixed’ (or ‘hybrid’) language has derived from 2 (or more) languages to such an extent that it is no longer ‘closely related’ to the ‘source languages’…)

(whereas a ‘creole’ is more likely to be regarded as a ‘dialect’ of 1 language in particular)


(it differs also from a ‘pidgin’ in that the latter is a ‘highly simplified linguistic structure’ that develops as a ‘means of communication’ between 2 (or more) ‘disparate language groups’)

(…whereas a ‘creole’ is a more ‘complex’ language, used for ‘day-to-day’ purposes in a ‘community’ and acquired by ‘children’ as a ‘native language’)

(‘creole languages’ therefore have a ‘fully developed’ (“how ‘fully’?”) vocabulary and ‘system of ‘grammar”)

(the precise # of ‘creole languages’ is not known, particularly as many are”poorly attested or documented’, but the ‘list’ of ‘creole languages’ shows that ‘creoles’ exist around the world)

(about ‘100 creole languages’ have ‘arisen’ since ‘1500’)

(these are predominantly based on ‘european languages’, due to the ‘age of discovery’ (and (don’t you dare forget) the ‘atlantic slave trade’) that arose at that time)

(with the improvements in ‘ship-building’ and ‘navigation’, ‘traders’ had to learn to communicate with people around the world, and the quickest way to do this was to develop a ‘pidgin’ (or ‘simplified language suited to the purpose’)

(…in turn, full ‘creole languages’ developed from these ‘pidgins’)
(like a “best of …” spoken word ‘contest’)

(in addition to ‘creoles’ that have ‘european languages’ as their ‘base’, there are (for example) ‘creoles’ based on ‘arabic’ / ‘chinese’ / ‘malay’)

(the ‘middle english creole hypothesis’ argues that ‘english’ is itself a ‘creole’)

(if so, this would make it the ‘creole’ with the ‘largest # of speakers’)

(if this ‘hypothesis’ is untrue, the ‘creole’ with the ‘largest # of speakers’ is ‘haitian creole’, with about ’10 million native speakers’)

(the ‘lexicon’ (or, roughly, the ‘base’ (or ‘essential’) vocabulary – such as ‘run’ but not ‘running’) of a ‘creole language’ is largely supplied by the ‘parent languages’, particularly that of the ‘most dominant group’ in the ‘social context’ of the creole’s construction)


(however, there are often clear ‘phonetic’ and ‘semantic’ shifts)


*on the other hand, the ‘grammar’ that has evolved often has ‘new’ or ‘unique’ features that differ substantially from those of the ‘parent languages’*








👈👈👈☜*“PIDGINS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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