
(“customs” is an ‘authority’ or ‘agency’ in a country responsible for collecting ‘tariffs’ and for controlling the flow of ‘goods’, including ‘animals’, ‘transports’, ‘personal effects’, and ‘hazardous items’, into and out of a ‘country’)

(the movement of people into and out of a country is normally monitored by ‘immigration authorities’, under a variety of ‘names’ and ‘arrangements’)

(the ‘immigration authorities’ normally check for appropriate ‘documentation’, verify that a person is entitled to enter the country, apprehend people wanted by ‘domestic’ or ‘international’ arrest warrants, and impede the entry of people deemed ‘dangerous’ to the country)

(each country has its own ‘laws’ and ‘regulations’ for the ‘import’ and ‘export’ of goods into and out of a country, which its ‘customs authority’ enforces)

(the ‘import’ or ‘export’ of some goods may be ‘restricted’ or ‘forbidden’)

(in most countries, ‘customs’ are attained through ‘government agreements’ and ‘international laws’)

(a ‘customs duty’ is a ‘tariff’ or ‘tax’ on the ‘importation’ (usually) or ‘exportation’ (unusually) of ‘goods’)

(‘commercial goods’ not yet cleared through ‘customs’ are held in a ‘customs area’, often called a ‘bonded store’, until ‘processed’)

(all ‘authorized ports’ are recognized ‘customs areas’)

(at airports, ‘customs’ is the ‘point of no return’ for all ‘passengers’, once a ‘passenger’ has cleared ‘customs’, they cannot go back)














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