“cyril of alexandria”

(“cyril of alexandria” (greek: Κύριλλος Ἀλεξανδρείας; c. 376 – 444) was the “patriarch of alexandria” from 412 to 444)

(he was enthroned when the city was at the height of its influence and power within the “roman empire”)

(‘cyril’ wrote extensively and was a leading protagonist in the ‘christological controversies’ of the late-4th and 5th centuries)

(he was a central figure in the “council of ephesus” in 431, which led to the deposition of “nestorius” as “patriarch of constantinople”)

(‘cyril’ is counted among the “church fathers” and the “doctors of the church”, and his reputation within the ‘christian world’ has resulted in his titles Pillar of Faith and Seal of all the Fathers, but “theodosius II”, the ‘roman emperor’, condemned him for behaving like a “proud pharaoh”, and the ‘nestorian bishops’ at the “council of ephesus” declared him a ‘heretic’, labelling him as a “monster, born and educated for the destruction of the church”)

(‘cyril’ is well-known due to his dispute with ‘nestorius’ and his supporter patriarch “john of antioch”, whom ‘cyril’ excluded from the “council of ephesus” for arriving late)

(he is also known for his expulsion of ‘novatians’ and ‘jews’ from ‘alexandria’ and for inflaming tensions that led to the murder of the hellenistic philosopher ‘hypatia’ by a christian mob)

(historians disagree over the extent of his responsibility in this)

(the ‘roman catholic church’ did not commemorate ‘saint cyril’ in the ‘tridentine calendar’: it added his feast only in 1882, assigning to it the date of ‘february 9th’)

(the 1969 revision moved it to ‘june 27th’, considered to be the day of the saint’s death, as celebrated by the “coptic orthodox church”)

(the same date has been chosen for the ‘lutheran calendar’)

(the ‘eastern orthodox’ and ‘byzantine catholic’ churches celebrate his feast day on ‘june 9th’ and also, together with ‘pope athanasius I’ of alexandria, on ‘january 18th’)













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  1. “famous cyrils” (the dead) | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. “january 18th holidaze” | *JoGa Jungle*

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