
-as of [26 MAY 2024]


(mocking the fat italian grandfather as a 12-year-old at a memorial day parade in front of alex kenwell)

by goading him into recounting a story in which he ripped ass at a convenience store…

he didn’t seem to mind…

nor did his wife…but his daughter became indignant: “making fun of your own grandfather”…she still remembers this (as does alex)…

(i should’ve responded more harshly)

making an enemy of “grandma naj” after mocking her two children for living with their parents into their old age…

the old man responds to my dada with brutally “honest” comments designed to insult me and thus counteract my randomness via “buzzkill”…thus i avoid all mention of art whenever we speak…

thus relegating all discussions to practical financial matters…which doesn’t usually work in my favor…since i’m living on welfare and he’s unwilling to lend me any money…

(aunt tomboy reacted in a similar manner)
(tony was too shellshocked to respond accordingly)
(although he never forgave me)

sharing a bunk bed with michael anthony…
(i on top bunk)

(in faggy voice:)

“wanna talk about our days?”

(my faux-fag routine greatly diminished his heterosexuality)

telling emily that she was a second-rate version of her mother (in 2011) was an incredibly cruel thing to do…

(only because she lightly chastised me for my verbal abuse of cheryl in the family room)
(even as i was living in their basement as a 26-year-old man)

(we “reconciled” on my 30th birthday…i told cheryl that i wanted her to attend…we both got smashed and went outside so i could smoke cigarettes…then i tried kissing her on the lips…she stopped me…we haven’t talked since…we still aren’t even facebook friends…)

i am still hitting up my mother for as much as she is willing to give me…and then i don’t even call her on a regular basis…i don’t think either of us want to go through the tribulations of a conversation…she bought me a week train pass to NY penn station…although it was really only 5 days…and i’m only going to use it for 3 days…she doesn’t have to know that…

i can’t call my mother until i’m ready to move out of the motel…

michael anthony is extremely reluctant to let me crash with him…i’m quickly turning into a street person…he’d be furious if he found out i crashed on his rooftop…

he don’t even return my phone calls…

cheryl will be here @ 9am to drop off laundry (pick up more laundry) and go to breakfast…

ask her for food and $$$ (for train fare)…

she still isn’t tagging her voicemails with “i love you”…guess she’s still pissed…

cheryl came to drop off laundry (and some food) on a monday morning because she knows i’m desperate…

even though she’s still pissed at me from last thursday…

(at least i didn’t contact her since then)



👈👈👈☜*“DADA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥