"dada"*government agents*

(seduce ‘elisa neira’)

(even the police officer sensed the vibes when they moved me to the motel in ‘february 2014’)

(although she didn’t even accept my friend request)

(all the better…so she doesn’t see any evidence of my musical “career”)
(and she must think nothing of me)
(a 29-year-old man on welfare)
(and with a “drinking problem” to boot)
(and i’m very “irresponsible”)

(overcome all this!)
(she’s more insecure than you think)
(appeal to her overseer the “township administrator”)

now she wants me to have a verified job before she will approve an apartment in jersey city…just make one up…

i get the sense that elisa neira is on vacation…

bombard obama with tweets as the “cosmic creep”…buy off the secret service…

thumbed nose at the government by taking a piss in washington square park…and smoking cigarettes in the park…and smoking dope in public…but i freaked out when someone tried to sell us (or give us) cocaine…and so i left…

the NYPD told me to stop playing guitar + singing under the washington square park arches…on an august friday night @ 10pm…they let justin and i finish our soaring rendition of “house of the rising sun”…they said they were getting “noise complaints”…with all the sound pollution inherent to manhattan i find this bizarre…justin thumbed his nose at them and continued to play my guitar…then he urged me to play in the fountain (it was turned off) since all the other street musicians had stopped playing…he offered to be the barker…i didn’t want to get arrested for defying the NYPD but i also didn’t want to look timid in front of andrea…luckily he subsequently broke my guitar string and so i was done for the night…

picked up my check from elisa…she still seems receptive to the jersey city move…i have 3 days…

forge alliances with library employees…

didn’t call up elisa like i said i would last week…like she cares…

tried calling pilar this morning before the mercer county social services office opened at 8:30am…but i couldn’t punch in an extension until they opened (not even to leave a voicemail?)…so i gave up and went back to sleep…she hasn’t called me back yet…wonder if she notified elisa…most likely…i’ll see elisa on wednesday…got my bank statement printed out at the library for 60 cents…

hope she doesn’t look at my purchases from 17 september – 17 october…

pack of newports at gas station
(the bearded man wants me to buy more smokes there so he can get back his 15 cents)

keep the change transfer cancelled due to low account balance

(then once i got my check)

starbucks iced coffee…

pack of newports + vitamin water at princeton kiosk…

keep the change transfer to savings

12-pack of natural ice…

12-pack of natural ice + pack of newports…

keep the change transfer to savings

12-pack of natural ice + pack of newports…

$14 meal at the local diner

keep the change transfer to savings

plus an overdraft protection fee…

which meant i was left with $8.14 (starting with $5.64 last month)

plus a $10 overdraft service fee…

called elisa wednesday morning…to verify time of appointment…she said she was busy and asked if i could meet friday…i said i wasn’t sure…so she said monday morning…i agreed…she implied that i may not receive next month’s check if i don’t recertify benefits…i should’ve gotten it out of the way…

pilar called on friday morning…i called her right back…told her i called her back last week but got the wrong voicemail…she said they hadn’t changed her voicemail yet…more incompetency…

she told me that i would need to go to some outpatient program in trenton twice a week in order to be “in compliance”…

she said she’d call me later in the afternoon and tell me what time “diane” would call…

she never called…

(at least this covers me with elisa for monday’s meeting)



👈👈👈☜*“DADA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. “dada” | *JoGa Jungle*

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