“diamond anvil cell”


File:Diamond Anvil Cell - Cross Section.svg

*’schematics’ of the ‘core’ of a ‘diamond anvil cell’*

(‘extreme pressure’ generated between 2 ‘diamonds’)

(the ‘hardest’ (/ ‘most solid’?) substance on ‘earth’



(with your ‘sample’ placed in between the 2 ‘diamond pressure points’)


(place a ‘ruby’ to the right of your ‘sample’ between the 2 ‘diamond pressure points’)

(to be used as ‘pressure indicator’)



(the ‘gasket’ on the right side)

(to ‘seal’ the ‘sample chamber’).


(the ‘casing’ is connected with ‘vertical screws’ to be ‘tightened’


*with 2 ‘backing plates’ to hold both diamonds in place*


(then fire up some good ole ‘electro-magnetic radiation’ ‘down’ the ‘center’ of the chamber)





*a diamond anvil cell is a ‘high-pressure device’ used in ‘scientific experiments’*


(it enables the ‘compression’ of a ‘small’ (or ‘sub-millimeter-sized’) piece of material to ‘extreme pressures’)

(the ‘pressure’ is typically up to around ‘100 – 200 giga-pascals’, although it is possible to achieve pressures up to 770 ‘giga-pascals’ (/// 7,700,000 ‘bars’) /// (7.7 million ‘atmospheres’))

(the device has been used to re-create the ‘pressure’ existing deep inside ‘planets’ to synthesize ‘materials’ + ‘phases’ not observed under ‘normal ambient conditions’)


(notable examples include…)

*the (non-molecular) ‘ice X’*


*polymeric nitrogen*


(like ‘metallic xenon’ / ‘metallic hydrogen’ / AN)
(“ad nauseum for the ghosts of the ‘proto-latinos’ among us…)


(a ‘DAC’ consists of 2 opposing ‘diamonds’ with a ‘sample’ compressed between the ‘polished culets’ (called ‘tips’))

(‘pressure’ may be monitored using a ‘reference material’ whose ‘behavior’ under ‘pressure’ is known)

(common ‘pressure standards’ include ‘ruby fluorescence’ + various ;structurally simple metals’ (such as ‘copper’ or ‘platinum’))


(the ‘uni-axial pressure’ supplied by the ‘DAC’ may be transformed into ‘uniform hydrostatic pressure’ using a ‘pressure-transmitting medium’, such as…) 





‘paraffin oil’

*a mixture of ‘methanol’ + ‘ethanol’*


(the ‘pressure-transmitting medium’ is enclosed by a ‘gasket’ and the 2 ‘diamond anvils’)

(the sample can be viewed through the ‘diamonds’ + illuminated by ‘X-rays’ + ‘visible light’)



(in this way, the following can be measured from materials under ‘high pressure’…)

*X-ray ‘diffraction’ + ‘fluorescence’*


*optical ‘absorption’ + photo-luminescence*


*’mössbauer’ / ‘raman’ / ‘brillouin’ scattering*


*positron annihilation*


*and other ‘signals’*



(‘magnetic’ + ‘micro-wave’ fields can be applied externally to the ‘cell’ allowing…)

‘nuclear magnetic resonance’


‘electron para-magnetic resonance’


*other ‘magnetic measurements’*



(attaching ‘electrodes’ to the sample allows ‘electrical’ + ‘magneto-electrical’ measurements as well as heating up the sample to a ‘few thousand degrees’)

(much higher ‘temperatures’ (up to ‘7000 K’) can be achieved with ‘laser-induced heating’)


(+ cooling down to ‘milli-kelvins’ has been demonstrated)






👈👈👈☜*“DIAMONDS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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