*sheep**dietary journals*

(1 year or less)


(between ‘age 1’ + ‘age 2’)


(adult sheep)


(sheep have life expectancy of ’10 – 12 years’)

(some sheep have lived as long as ’20 years’)

(their health begins to decline after ‘4 years’)

(because their ‘front teeth’ start to decay)


(the meat of domestic sheep (species ovis aries) at different ages)


A sheep in its first year is called a lamb, and its meat is also called lamb.

The meat of a juvenile sheep older than one year is hogget; outside North America this is also a term for the living animal.

The meat of an adult sheep is mutton, a term only used for the meat, not the living animals.

The term mutton is almost always used to refer to goat meat in the Indian subcontinent.

Lamb is the most expensive of the three types, and in recent decades sheep meat is increasingly only retailed as “lamb”, sometimes stretching the accepted distinctions given above.

The stronger-tasting mutton is now hard to find in many areas, despite the efforts of the ‘Mutton Renaissance Campaign’ in the UK.

In Australia, the term prime lamb is often used to refer to lambs raised for meat.

(other languages (for example ‘french’ + ‘italian’) make similar (or even more detailed) distinctions between ‘sheep meat’ by ‘age’ and sometimes by ‘gender’, though these languages do not use different words to refer to the ‘animal’ + its ‘meat’)





(ate 3 ‘lamb chops’)


*16 june 2014*

i threw away the lamb chops + vegetables (after consulting with cheryl lynn)

i don’t think the apples went bad…


*i did a late-night CVS run and bought a microwaveable chicken pot pie / butterfinger bar / chips (to finish off the rest of my ‘chunky salsa’)*






👈👈👈☜*“SHEEP”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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