*the ‘down quark’*

“AKA” —>






[the down quark is the 2nd-lightest of all ‘quarks’, a type of ‘elementary particle’, and a major constituent of ‘matter’]


*electric charge of ‘-1/3’*
(hence ‘down’)


(together with the ‘up quark’, it forms the “neutrons” (1 ‘up quark’ / 2 ‘down quarks’) + “protons” (2 ‘up quarks’ / 1 ‘down quark’) of ‘atomic nuclei’)

(it is part of the “first generation of ‘matter'”, has an ‘electric charge’ of 1/3 e and a ‘bare mass’ of 4.8+0.5−0.3 MeV/c2) 

(like all ‘quarks’, the ‘down quark’ is an ‘elementary fermion’ with ‘spin 1/2′, and experiences all 4 ‘fundamental interactions’: ‘gravitation’ / ‘electromagnetism’ / ‘weak interactions’ / ‘strong interactions’)

(the ‘antiparticle’ of the ‘down quark’ is the down antiquark (sometimes called antidown quark or simply antidown), which differs from it only in that some of its properties have ‘equal magnitude’ but ‘opposite sign’)

(its existence (along with that of the ‘up’ + ‘strange’ quarks) was postulated in ‘1964’ by ‘murray gell-mann’ and ‘george zweig’ to explain the ‘8-fold way’ classification scheme of ‘hadrons’)


(the ‘down quark’ was first observed by experiments at the ‘stanford linear accelerator center’ in ‘1968’)








👈👈👈☜*“THE QUARK”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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