“the electoral college”



(the united states electoral college is the ‘mechanism’ established by the ‘united states constitution’ for the ‘indirect election’ of the ‘president of the ‘united states’ and ‘vice president’ of the ‘united states’)

(‘citizens’ of the ‘united states’ vote in each ‘state’ at a ‘general election’ to choose a slate of “electors” pledged to vote for a party’s candidate)

(the ’12th amendment’ (to the ‘american constitution’) requires each ‘elector’ to cast 1 vote for ‘president’ and another vote for ‘vice president’)

(in each ‘state’ and the ‘district of columbia’, ‘electors’ are chosen every ‘4 years’ on the ‘tuesday’ after the first ‘monday’ in ‘november’, and then meet to cast ‘ballots’ on the first ‘monday’ after the second ‘wednesday’ in ‘december’)

(where do they ‘meet’?)

(the ‘candidates’ who receive an ‘absolute majority’ (over ‘half’) of ‘electoral votes’ among the ‘states’ are elected ‘president’ and ‘vice president’ of the ‘united states’ when the ‘electoral college vote’ is ‘certified’ by ‘congress’ in ‘january’)

(each state chooses ‘electors’, amounting in number to that state’s combined total of ‘senators’ and ‘representatives’)

(there are a total of ‘538 electors’, corresponding to the ‘435 representatives’ and ‘100 senators’, plus the 3 electors the ‘district of columbia’ is provided by the ’23rd amendment’)

(the ‘constitution’ bars any ‘federal official’ (‘elected’ or ‘appointed’) from being an ‘elector’)

(the ‘office of the federal register’ is charged with administering the ‘electoral college’)

(since the ‘mid-19th century’ when all electors have been ‘popularly chosen’, the ‘electoral college’ has elected the candidate who received the most popular votes, except in 4 elections)

(and all 4 elections gave ‘repubican candidates’ the victory despite losing ‘popular vote’)

(republican ‘rutherford b hayes’)
(over democrat ‘samuel tilden’)

(republican ‘benjamin harrison’)
(over democrat ‘grover cleveland’)

(republican ‘george bush 2’)
(over democrat ‘al gore’)

(republican ‘donald trump’)
(over democrat ‘hillary clinton’)


(in 1824, there were 6 states in which ‘electors’ were ‘legislatively appointed’ (rather than ‘popularly elected’), so the ‘true national popular vote’ is uncertain; the ‘electors’ failed to select a ‘winning candidate’, so the matter was decided by the ‘house of representatives’)

(all states (except ‘maine’ and ‘nebraska’ have chosen ‘electors’ on a “winner-take-all” basis since the ‘1880s’)

(the ‘states’ choose?)
(who is the 1 person responsible for this choice?)
(the governors?)
(and how can this ‘winner-take-all’ rule be changed in every state?)

(under the ‘winner-take-all system’, the state’s electors are awarded to the ‘candidate’ with the most ‘votes’ in that ‘state’)

(‘maine’ + ‘nebraska’ use the “congressional district method”, selecting 1 elector within each ‘congressional district’ by ‘popular vote’ and awarding 2 electors by a ‘statewide popular vote’)

(although no ‘elector’ is required by ‘federal law’ to honor their pledge, there have been very few occasions when an ‘elector’ voted contrary to a pledge)

(is there some sort of compelling reason why ‘we’ don’t require electors to ‘honor ther pledge?)

(and can this be changed?)

(if no person receives an ‘absolute majority’ of ‘electoral votes’ for ‘president’, the ’12th amendment’ provides that the ‘house of representatives’ will select the ‘president’, with each of the ’50 state delegations’ casting ‘one vote.

(that seems like a really dumb rule to me…)
(all i see are ‘states rights’ + burning crosses)

(i heard screamaing…and bullwhips cracking…)
(sings ‘canadian neil’ in hs brand new ‘confderate outfit’)

(what if you knew her and found her dead on the ground?)
(*cue ‘from a distance’*)
(into ‘he gives us all his love’)

(if no person receives a ‘majority’ of ‘electoral votes’ for ‘vice president’, then the ‘senate’ will select the ‘vice president’, with each of the ‘100 senators’ having ‘1 vote’)

(again this is a process that gives more power (via ‘voting for their lawmakers’) to citizens who live in ‘less populous states’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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