"the electoral college"*journals*

(to elect the ‘american president’)

(just ignore ‘trump’)

(let’s get rid of it ‘once’ and ‘for all’)
(with winner chosen by ‘popular vote’)

(because our ‘founding fathers’ could not yet envision an age in which ‘air travel’ and the ‘world wide web’)

(“shrinking borders”)
(bringing people closer together)
(“via gravity”)
(‘humanity’ / ‘primates’ / ‘mammals’ …)
(“liiving earth”)

(nowhere was this more clear then when ‘al gore’ won the ‘popular vote’ and lost the election in ‘2000’)

(to ‘george bush 2’)
(avenging his father for losing the 1992 presidential election to democrat ‘william clinton’)
(and his vice president ‘albert gore’)

(the “american south” has produced more than their fair share of ‘american presidents’)

(starting with ‘george washington’ from ‘virginia’)

(also happened with ‘rutherford b hayes’ in ‘1876’)

(also happened with ‘benjamin harrison’ in ‘1888’)

(but the ‘electoral college’ is very firmly nestled into ‘article 2’ of our constitution)

(so an amendment to abolish ‘electoral college’ would require 2/3 majority in ‘house’ and ‘senate’ + 3/4 of states to ratify within a ‘7-year window’)

(opponents of the ‘electoral college’ should also oppose the ‘senate’)

(since every state is granted ‘2 representatives’)
(which means that citizens of states with lower populations are overly represented in the ‘federal government’)
(meaning their votes have ‘disproprionate power’)

(as i understand it, the ‘electoral college’ was designed so that presidential candidates would campaign in all states)

(rather than focusing on states with the highest populations)

(with ‘airplanes’ (not to mention the internet’), this ‘states’ rights’ structure is woefully outdated)

(in fact, it’s dowright UNFAIR!)

(we need to move towards ”union’ (not ‘division’))

(‘1 world government’ has always been the ideal)

electoral college

(for US presidential elections)

(also does not appeal to me)

(favoring ‘state’ as some sort of human entity???)

‘states’ rights’ is often considered ‘code’ for ‘racist southern states’)
(just ask ‘reagan’)

(‘dog whistles’)

(because ‘democrats’ (aka ‘liberals’) tend to have more supporters in the ‘most populated states’)

(more ‘progressive’)

(‘liberal’ is dysphemism for ‘progressive’)

(while ‘conservative’ is euphemism for ‘out of touch’)












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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