*executive departments*

(as of ’12 NOVEMBER 2023’)


(listed in order of ‘presidential line of succession’)

(as it applies to the ‘head’ of the department)






















*the ‘american federal executive departments’ are the ‘principal units’ of the ‘executive branch’ of the ‘federal government’ of ‘the united states’*


They are analogous to ministries common in parliamentary or semi-presidential systems

but (the United States being a presidential system) they are led by a head of government who is also the head of state.

The executive departments are the administrative arms of the President of the United States.

There are currently 15 executive departments

The heads of the executive departments receive the title of Secretary of their respective department, except for the Attorney-General who is head of the Justice Department (and the Postmaster General who until 1971 was head of the Post Office Department)

The heads of the executive departments are appointed by the President and take office after confirmation by the United States Senate, and serve at the pleasure of the President. The heads of departments are members of the Cabinet of the United States, an executive organ that normally acts as an advisory body to the President. In the Opinion Clause (Article II, section 2, clause 1) of the U.S. Constitution, heads of executive departments are referred to as “principal Officer in each of the executive Departments”.

The heads of executive departments are included in the line of succession to the President, in the event of a vacancy in the presidency, after the Vice President, the Speaker of the House and the President pro tempore of the Senate.

United States federal executive departments

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Executive Department” redirects here. For the idea of executive departments in general, see Cabinet (politics)






en.wikipedia.org /wiki/List_of_positions_filled_by_presidential_appointment_with_Senate_confirmation
List of positions filled by presidential appointment with Senate confirmation
Contributors to Wikimedia projects43-55 minutes 1/16/2009

This is a list of positions filled by presidential appointment with Senate confirmation.

Under the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution and law of the United States, certain federal positions appointed by the president of the United States require confirmation (advice and consent) of the United States Senate.

These “PAS” (Presidential Appointment needing Senate confirmation)[1] positions, as well as other types of federal government positions, are published in the United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions (Plum Book), which is released after each United States presidential election.[2] A 2012 Congressional Research Service study estimated that approximately 1200-1400 positions require Senate confirmation.[3]

Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry[edit]

Department of Agriculture[edit]

Secretary of Agriculture

Deputy Secretary of Agriculture

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm Production and Conservation

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food Safety

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Regulatory Programs

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and Environment

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Research, Education, and Economics

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs

Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Congressional Relations

Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Civil Rights

General Counsel

Chief Financial Officer

Inspector General

Independent agencies[edit]

5 Commissioners of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (political balance required; five-year term of office; chair, who must first be confirmed as a commissioner, also needs to be confirmed)

3 Members of the Farm Credit Administration (political balance required; six-year term of office)

Committee on Armed Services[edit]

Department of Defense[edit]

Military Officers (commissions and promotions) – Officers receive a commission assigning them to the officer corps from the President (with the consent of the Senate). Promotions of all commissioned military officers are also commissioned by the President (with the consent of the Senate).

Office of the Secretary of Defense[edit]

Secretary of Defense

Deputy Secretary of Defense

General Counsel of the Department of Defense

Inspector General of the Department of Defense

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs

Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Programs

Under Secretary of Defense(Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Defense

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)

Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security

Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs

9 Members of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Board of Regents (six-year terms of office)

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness

Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Capabilities

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy (announced October 30, 2020)

Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict

Department of the Air Force[edit]


Under Secretary

Assistant Secretary for Acquisition

Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller

Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Installations, Environment, and Logistics

General Counsel

Chief of Staff (four-year term of office)

Department of the Army[edit]


Under Secretary

Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology

Assistant Secretary for Civil Works

Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller

Assistant Secretary for Installations, Energy and Environment

Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs

General Counsel

Chief of Staff (four-year term of office)

Department of the Navy[edit]


Under Secretary

Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller

Assistant Secretary for Installations and Environment

Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition

General Counsel

Chief of Naval Operations (four-year term of office)

Commandant of the Marine Corps (four-year term of office)

Joint Chiefs of Staff[edit]

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (four-year term of office)

Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (four-year term of office)

Department of Energy[edit]

Under Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Security/Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration

Principal Deputy Administrator – National Nuclear Security Administration

Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs – National Nuclear Security Administration

Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation – National Nuclear Security Administration

Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management

Independent agencies[edit]

5 Members of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (political balance required; five-year terms of office)

Judicial branch[edit]

Five Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (political balance required; 15-year terms of office)

Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs[edit]

Department of Commerce[edit]

Under Secretary for Export Administration

Under Secretary for International Trade

Assistant Secretary for Export Administration

Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement

Assistant Secretary for Trade Promotion/Director General of the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service

Department of Housing and Urban Development[edit]


Deputy Secretary

Assistant Secretary for Administration

Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development

Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations

Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity

Assistant Secretary for Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner

Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research

Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing

Chief Financial Officer

Director – Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (five-year term)

General Counsel

Inspector General

President – Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae)

Department of Transportation[edit]

Administrator – Federal Transit Administration

Department of the Treasury[edit]

Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence

Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions

Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing

Comptroller of the Currency (five-year term of office)

Director of the Mint (five-year term of office)

Executive Office of the President[edit]

Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers

Independent agencies[edit]

Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

5 Members of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (political balance required; four-year terms of office — Chair, who first must be confirmed as a member, also needs to be confirmed.)

Inspector General of the Export-Import Bank of the United States

3 Members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (political balance required; six-year terms of office — Chair and vice chair, who first must be confirmed as members, also need to be confirmed.)

Inspector General of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (four-year terms of office)

7 Governors of the Federal Reserve System (14-year terms of office — Chair and vice chair, who first must be confirmed as governors, also need to be confirmed for four-year terms in those offices.)

3 Members of the National Credit Union Administration (political balance required; six-year terms of office)

5 Commissioners of the Securities and Exchange Commission (political balance required; five-year terms of office)

3 Directors of the National Cooperative Bank (of 15 total; three-year terms of office)

15 to 21 Directors of the National Institute of Building Sciences (three-year terms of office)

5 Directors of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (of 7 total; three-year terms of office)

Committee on the Budget[edit]

Executive Office of the President[edit]

Office of Management and Budget


Deputy Director

Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation[edit]

Department of Commerce[edit]

Secretary of Commerce

Deputy Secretary of Commerce

Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs

Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Administration

General Counsel of the Department of Commerce

Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security

Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development

Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs

Director of the Census

Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade

Assistant Secretary for Import Administration

Assistant Secretary for Market Access and Compliance

Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing and Services

Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Director General of the United States Foreign Commercial Service

Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere/Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Assistant Secretary for Environmental Observation and Prediction

Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Management

Chief Scientist

Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information

Under Secretary for Standards and Technology/Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology

Under Secretary for Intellectual Property/Director, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Inspector General

Department of Homeland Security[edit]


Under Secretary for Science and Technology

Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration

Commandant of the United States Coast Guard

United States Coast Guard officers (commissions and promotions)

Department of Transportation[edit]


Deputy Secretary

Under Secretary for Policy

Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs and Chief Financial Officer

Assistant Secretary for Governmental Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy

Administrator – Federal Aviation Administration (five-year term of office)

Administrator – Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Administrator – Federal Railroad Administration

Administrator – Maritime Administration

Administrator – National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Administrator – Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Administrator – Research and Innovative Technology Administration

General Counsel

Inspector General

3 Members of the Surface Transportation Board (political balance required; five-year terms of office)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration[edit]

Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Deputy Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Chief Financial Officer of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Inspector General of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Executive Office of the President[edit]

Office of Science and Technology Policy


Associate Director for Science

Associate Director for Technology

Associate Director for National Security & International Affairs

Associate Director for Energy & Environment

Independent agencies[edit]

5 Commissioners of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (political balance required; seven-year terms of office – Only three of the positions have been funded and filled since the mid-1980s; chair, who first must be confirmed as a member, also needs to be confirmed.)

5 Commissioners of the Federal Communications Commission (political balance required; five-year terms of office)

5 Commissioners of the Federal Maritime Commission (political balance required; five-year terms of office)

5 Commissioners of the Federal Trade Commission (political balance required; seven-year terms of office)

5 Members of the National Transportation Safety Board (political balance required; five-year terms of office – Chair, who first must be confirmed as a member, also needs to be confirmed.)

Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects

9 Directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (political balance required; six-year terms of office)

3 Directors of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (six-year terms of office; political balance required)

7 Members of the Amtrak Reform Board (five-year terms of office)

5 Members of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Advisory Board (political balance required;indefinite terms of office)

Committee on Energy and Natural Resources[edit]

Department of Energy[edit]


Deputy Secretary

Under Secretary for Energy and Environment

Under Secretary for Science

Under Secretary for Nuclear Security

Administrator – Energy Information Administration

Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability – runs the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability

Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy – runs the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management – runs the Office of Environmental Management

Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy – runs the Office of Fossil Energy

Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Domestic Policy

Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy – runs the Office of Nuclear Energy

Chief Financial Officer

Director – Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy

Director – Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management

Director – Office of Economic Impact and Diversity

Director – Office of Science

General Counsel

Inspector General

5 Commissioners of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (political balance required; five-year terms of office)

Department of the Interior[edit]


Deputy Secretary

Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife and Parks

Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management

Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management, and Budget and Chief Financial Officer

Assistant Secretary for Water and Science

Commissioner – Bureau of Reclamation

Director – Bureau of Land Management

Director – National Park Service

Director – Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Director – United States Geological Survey

Inspector General


Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects

Committee on Environment and Public Works[edit]

Department of Commerce[edit]

Assistant Secretary for Economic Development

Department of Defense[edit]

Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)

Department of the Interior[edit]

Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife and Parks

Director – United States Fish and Wildlife Service

Department of Transportation[edit]

Administrator – Federal Highway Administration

Executive Office of the President[edit]

Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality

Environmental Protection Agency[edit]


Deputy Administrator

Assistant Administrator

Assistant Administrator for Administration and Resources Management

Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation

Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance

Assistant Administrator for Environmental Information

Assistant Administrator for International Affairs

Assistant Administrator for Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances

Assistant Administrator for Research and Development

Assistant Administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Response

Assistant Administrator for Water

Chief Financial Officer

General Counsel

Inspector General

Other independent agencies[edit]

Federal Cochair of the Appalachian Regional Commission

5 Members of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (five-year terms of office – Chair, who first must be confirmed as a member, also needs to be confirmed.)

Federal Cochair of the Delta Regional Authority

5 Commissioners of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (political balance required; five-year terms of office)

Inspector General of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

9 Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority (five-year terms of office)

Inspector General of the Tennessee Valley Authority

9 Trustees of the Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation (political balance required; six-year terms of office)

Committee on Finance[edit]

Department of Commerce[edit]

Under Secretary for International Trade

Assistant Secretary for Import Administration

Assistant Secretary for Market Access and Compliance

Department of Health and Human Services[edit]


Deputy Secretary

Administrator – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Assistant Secretary for Resources and Technology

Chief financial officer

Assistant Secretary of the Administration for Children and Families

Assistant Secretary for Health

Assistant Secretary for Legislation

Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

Commissioner – Administration of Children, Youth, and Families

General Counsel

Inspector General

Department of Homeland Security[edit]


Commissioner of United States Customs and Border Protection

Department of the Treasury[edit]


Deputy Secretary

Under Secretary for Domestic Finance

Under Secretary for International Affairs

Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence

Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy

Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets

Assistant Secretary (Deputy Under Secretary) for International Affairs

Assistant Secretary (Deputy Under Secretary) for Legislative Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy

Chief Financial Officer

Director — Policy Planning

Chief Counsel — Internal Revenue Service/Assistant General Counsel for Tax

Commissioner — Internal Revenue Service (five-year terms of office)

General Counsel

Inspector General

Inspector General — Tax Administration

Executive Office of the President[edit]

Office of the United States Trade Representative

U.S. Trade Representative

3 Deputy U.S. Trade Representatives

Chief Agricultural Negotiator

Chief Intellectual Property Negotiator

Other independent agencies[edit]

Director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

Commissioner of the Social Security Administration (six-year term of office)

Deputy Commissioner of the Social Security Administration (six-year term of office)

Inspector General of the Social Security Administration

6 Commissioners of the United States International Trade Commission (political balance required; nine-year terms of office)

2 Trustees of the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund (of 6 total; political balance required; four-year terms of office)

2 Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Trust Fund and the Disability Insurance Trust Fund (of 6 total; political balance required; four-year terms of office)

2 Trustees of the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund, Board of Trustees (of 6 total; political balance required; four-year terms of office)

6 Members of the Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board (five-year terms of office)

3 Members of the Social Security Advisory Board (of 7 total; political balance required; six-year terms of office)

Judicial branch[edit]

19 Judges of the United States Tax Court (15-year terms of office)

Committee on Foreign Relations[edit]

Department of State[edit]


Deputy Secretary

Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources

Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Verification, Compliance, and Implementation

Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation

Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs

Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights

Assistant Secretary for Conflict and Stabilization Operations

Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor

Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugee, and Migration

Coordinator for Counterterrorism, with the rank and status of Ambassador-at-Large

Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice

Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, with rank of Ambassador-at-Large

Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom

Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment

Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs

Under Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer of the Department of State

Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security

Director of the Office of Foreign Missions, with rank of Ambassador

Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources

Under Secretary for Political Affairs

Assistant Secretary for African Affairs

Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs

Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs

Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs

Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs

Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs

Reports directly to the Secretary & Deputy Secretary:

Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Research

Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs

Coordinator of United States Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally, with the rank of Ambassador-at-Large

U.S. Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States

U.S. Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues

Inspector General of the Department of State

Legal Adviser of the Department of State

Chief of Protocol of the United States, with rank of Ambassador

188[4] Ambassadors

Foreign Service Officers (commissions and promotions)

United States Mission to the United Nations[edit]

U.S. Permanent Representative and Chief of Mission to the United Nations

U.S. Deputy Permanent Representative – United Nations

U.S. Representative – United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture

U.S. Representative – United Nations Economic and Social Council

U.S. Alternate Representative – Special Political Affairs in the United Nations

U.S. Representative – United Nations Management and Reform

U.S. Representative – European Office of the United Nations (Geneva)

U.S. Representative – United Nations Office at Vienna (also serves as a representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency)

U.S. Representative – International Atomic Energy Agency

U.S. Deputy Representative – International Atomic Energy Agency

U.S. Representative to sessions of the General Assembly and other United Nations Bodies — numerous positions (terms of office depends on length of session)

United States Agency for International Development[edit]


Assistant Administrator — Asia and Near East

Assistant Administrator — Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance

Assistant Administrator — Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade

Assistant Administrator — Europe and Eurasia

Assistant Administrator — Global Health

Assistant Administrator — Latin America and Caribbean

Assistant Administrator — Legislative and Public Affairs

Assistant Administrator — Policy and Program Coordination

Assistant Administrator — Sub-Saharan Africa

Deputy Administrator

Inspector General

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development[edit]

U.S. Executive Director two-year term of office; full-time

U.S. Alternate Executive Director


Alternate Governor

International Development Association[edit]

U.S. Executive director for the international Development Association

U.S. Alternate director for the international Development Association

Governor for the international Development Association

Alternate Governor for the international Development Association

International Finance Corporation[edit]

U.S. Executive director for the International Finance Corporation

U.S. Alternate Director for the International finance Corporation

Governor for the International Finance corporation

Alternate Governor for the International Finance Corporation

Other independent agencies[edit]

U.S. Executive Director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau, Broadcasting Board of Governors

3 Commissioners of the International Joint Commission, United States and Canada

U.S. Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (two-year term of office)

U.S. Alternate Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (two-year term of office)

U.S. Executive Director of the Inter-American Development Bank (three-year term of office)

U.S. Alternate Executive Director of the Inter-American Development Bank (three-year term of office)

U.S. Alternate Executive Director for the Inter-American Investment Corporation

Director of the United States Trade and Development Agency

U.S. Executive Director of the African Development Bank (five-year term of office; full-time)

Governor and Alternate Governor of the African Development Bank (five-year terms of office; part-time)

U.S. Executive Director of the Asian Development Bank (full-time)

Governor and Alternate Governor of the Asian Development Bank (part-time)

Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (full-time)

4 Directors of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (of 9 total; part-time; three-year terms of office)

President/Chief Executive Officer of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (full-time)

Executive Vice President of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (full-time)

8 Directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (of 15 total; part-time; three-year terms of office)

Director of the Peace Corps (full-time)

Deputy Director of the Peace Corps (full-time)

15 Members of the Peace Corps National Advisory Council (part-time; political balance required; two-year terms of office)

9 Members of the Advisory Board for Cuba Broadcasting (political balance required; three-year terms of office)

7 Directors of the African Development Foundation (political balance required; six-year terms of office)

Governor of the African Development Fund

Alternate Governor of the African Development Fund

8 Members of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (of 9 total; political balance required; three-year terms of office)

9 Directors of the Inter-American Foundation (political balance required; six-year terms of office)

7 Commissioners of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy (political balance required; three-year terms of office)

Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions[edit]

Department of Education[edit]


Deputy Secretary

Director, Institute of Education Sciences (six-year term of office)

Under Secretary

Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights – runs the Office for Civil Rights

Assistant Secretary for Communications and Outreach – runs the Office of Communications and Outreach

Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education – runs the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Assistant Secretary for Legislation and Congressional Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development – runs the Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development

Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education – runs the Office of Postsecondary Education

Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services – runs the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

Assistant Secretary for Career, Technical and Adult Education – runs the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education

Chief Financial Officer

Commissioner – Rehabilitation Services Administration

General Counsel

Inspector General

Department of Health and Human Services[edit]


Administrator — Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Assistant Secretary for Aging

Assistant Secretary for Health

Assistant Secretary for the Administration of Children and Families

Commissioner for the Administration of Children, Youth, and Families

Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response

Commissioner of Food and Drugs

Director – National Institutes of Health

Surgeon General (four-year term of office)

Department of Labor[edit]

Secretary of Labor

Deputy Secretary of Labor

Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Disability Employment Policy

Assistant Secretary for Employee Benefits Security Administration

Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training Administration

Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Administration

Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Assistant Secretary for Policy

Assistant Secretary for Veterans’ Employment and Training Service

Administrator – Wage and Hour Division

Chief Financial Officer

Commissioner – Bureau of Labor Statistics

Inspector General


Independent agencies[edit]

Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service

Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service

Inspector General of the Corporation for National and Community Service

5 Commissioners of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (political balance required; five-year terms of office)

General Counsel of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (four-year term of office)

Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

5 Commissioners of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission (six-year terms of office)

National Endowment for the Arts – Chair (four-year term of office)

National Endowment for the Humanities – Chair (four-year term of office)

Institute of Museum and Library Services – Director (four-year term of office)

5 Members of the National Labor Relations Board (Political balance is not required, but, by tradition, no more than three members are from the same party; five-year terms of office)

General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board (four-year term of office)

3 Members of the National Mediation Board (political balance required; three-year terms of office)

Director of the National Science Foundation (six-year term of office)

Deputy Director of the National Science Foundation

3 Members of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (six-year terms of office)

Director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

3 Members of the Railroad Retirement Board (five-year terms of office; chair, who first must be appointed as a member, also needs to be confirmed.)

Inspector General of the Railroad Retirement Board

8 Trustees of the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation (of 13 total; political balance required; six-year terms of office)

15 Directors of the Corporation for National and Community Service (political balance required; five-year terms of office)

8 Trustees of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation (of 13 total; political balance required; six-year terms of office)

6 Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (of 13 total; political balance required; six-year terms of office)

11 Directors of the Legal Services Corporation (political balance required; three-year terms of office)

14 Members of the National Council on the Arts (of 21 total; six-year terms of office)

26 Members of the National Council on the Humanities (of 27 total; six-year terms of office)

12 Directors of the United States Institute of Peace (of 15 total; political balance required; four-year terms of office)

Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs[edit]

Department of Commerce[edit]

Director – Bureau of the Census

Department of Homeland Security[edit]


Deputy Secretary

Executive Office of the President[edit]

National Cyber Director (position established April 12, 2021)

Office of Management and Budget


Deputy Director

Deputy Director for Management

Administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy

Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs

Controller of the Office of Federal Financial Management

Independent agencies[edit]

Director of the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency to the District of Columbia (six-year term of office)

3 Members of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (political balance required; five-year terms of office)

General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (five-year term of office)

Administrator of the General Services Administration

Inspector General of the General Services Administration

3 Members of the Merit Systems Protection Board (political balance required; seven-year terms of office). The Chair, who first must be confirmed as a member, also needs to be confirmed.

Archivist of the United States, National Archives and Records Administration

Director of the Office of Government Ethics (five-year term of office)

Director of the Office of Personnel Management (four-year term of office)

Deputy Director of the Office of Personnel Management

Inspector General of the Office of Personnel Management

Special Counsel of the Office of Special Counsel (five-year term of office)

5 Commissioners of the Postal Regulatory Commission (political balance required; six-year terms of office)

Most other Inspectors General

5 Members of Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (four-year terms of office)

Chair of the Special Panel on Appeals (six-year term of office)

9 Governors of the Board of Governors of the United States Postal Service (political balance required; seven-year terms of office)[5]

Legislative branch[edit]

Comptroller General of the United States, Government Accountability Office (15-year term of office)

Deputy Comptroller General of the Government Accountability Office

Judicial branch[edit]

Chief Judge of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals (15-year term of office)

9 Judges of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals (15-year terms of office)

Chief Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia (15-year term of office)

61 Judges of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia (15-year terms of office)

Committee on Indian Affairs[edit]

Department of Health and Human Services[edit]

Director – Indian Health Service (four-year term of office)

Commissioner – Administration for Native Americans

Department of the Interior[edit]

Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs

Chair – National Indian Gaming Commission (three-year term of office)

Special Trustee – American Indians

Select Committee on Intelligence[edit]

Department of Justice[edit]

Assistant Attorney General – National Security Division

Department of State[edit]

Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research

Department of the Treasury[edit]

Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis

Central Intelligence Agency[edit]


General Counsel

Inspector General

Office of the Director of National Intelligence[edit]

Director of National Intelligence

Principal Deputy Director

Director, National Counterterrorism Center

General Counsel

Inspector General of the Intelligence Community

Committee on the Judiciary[edit]

Department of Commerce[edit]

Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property – United States Patent and Trademark Office

Department of Homeland Security[edit]

Assistant Secretary – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Director – U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Department of Justice[edit]

Attorney General

Solicitor General

Deputy Attorney General

Associate Attorney General

Assistant Attorney General – Antitrust Division

Assistant Attorney General – Office of Justice Programs

Assistant Attorney General – Office of Legal Counsel

Assistant Attorney General – Office of Legal Policy

Assistant Attorney General – Office of Legislative Affairs

Assistant Attorney General – Civil Division

Assistant Attorney General – Civil Rights Division

Assistant Attorney General – Criminal Division

Assistant Attorney General – Environment and Natural Resources Division

Assistant Attorney General – National Security Division

Assistant Attorney General – Tax Division

Administrator – Drug Enforcement Administration

Deputy Administrator – Drug Enforcement Administration

Director – Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Director – Community Relations Service (four-year term of office)

Director – Federal Bureau of Investigation (10-year term of office)

Director – Office on Violence Against Women

Director – United States Marshals Service

Inspector General

Special Counsel – Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (four-year term of office)

93 United States Attorneys (one in each federal judicial district, except that one U.S. Attorney serves for both the Districts of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands; four-year terms of office)[6]

94 United States Marshals (one in each federal judicial district; four-year terms of office)

5 Members of the United States Parole Commission (six-year term of office)

Chair of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission (three-year term of office; nominated from among commissioner members)

2 other Members of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission (three-year terms of office)

Executive Office of the President[edit]

Office of National Drug Control Policy

Director of National Drug Control Policy (“Drug Czar”)

Deputy Director of National Drug Control Policy

Deputy Director for Demand Reduction

Deputy Director for Supply Reduction

Deputy Director for State and Local Affairs

Independent agencies[edit]

11 Directors of the State Justice Institute (three-year terms of office)

Judicial branch[edit]

Chief Justice of the United States (life tenure)

8 Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States (life tenure)

179 Judges of the United States courts of appeals (life tenure)

16 Judges of the United States Court of Federal Claims (15-year terms of office)

9 Judges of the United States Court of International Trade (political balance required; life tenure)

678 Judges of the United States district courts (Most are life tenure; in total there are 663 permanent judgeships, 11 temporary judgeships, and four territorial court judgeships. In the districts with the 11 temporary judgeships, the seat lapses with the departure of a judge from that district at some particular time specified in statute unless Congress enacts legislation to extend the temporary judgeship or convert it to a permanent judgeship.)

Chair of the United States Sentencing Commission (six-year term of office; nominated from among commission members)

3 Vice Chairs of the United States Sentencing Commission (six-year terms of office; designated from among commission members)

3 other Commissioners of the United States Sentencing Commission (political balance required; six-year terms of office; one of the seven members is also nominated to be the full-time chair of the commission, and two others are designated as full-time vice-chairs)

Committee on Rules and Administration[edit]

Independent agencies[edit]

4 Commissioners of the Election Assistance Commission (four-year terms of office; political balance required)

6 Commissioners of the Federal Election Commission (six-year terms of office; political balance required)

Legislative branch[edit]

Architect of the Capitol

Director – United States Government Publishing Office

Librarian – Library of Congress

Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship[edit]

Small Business Administration[edit]


Deputy Administrator

Chief Counsel for Advocacy

Inspector General

Committee on Veterans’ Affairs[edit]

Department of Labor[edit]

Assistant Secretary of Labor for Veterans’ Employment and Training Service

Department of Veterans Affairs[edit]

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Benefits (four-year term of office) – heads Veterans Benefits Administration

Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Health (four-year term of office) – heads Veterans Health Administration

Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Memorial Affairs – heads National Cemetery Administration

Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Congressional and Legislative Affairs

Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Information and Technology

Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Policy and Planning

Chief Financial Officer

Chairman of the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (six-year term of office)

General Counsel

Inspector General

Judicial branch[edit]

3 to 7 Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (15-year terms of office)

Former Senate-confirmed positions[edit]

There are a number of positions that required Senate confirmation of appointees in the past, but do not today. The Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011 (Pub.L. 112–166 (text) (pdf)), signed into law on August 10, 2012, eliminates the requirement of Senate approval for 163 positions, allowing the president alone to appoint persons to these positions:[7] Parts of the act went into effect immediately, while other parts took effect on October 9, 2012, 60 days after enactment.[7]

Department of Agriculture:

Assistant Secretary for Administration,

Administrator of the Rural Utilities Services

all members of the Board of Directors of the Commodity Credit Corporation (7)

Department of Commerce:

Chief Scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Department of Defense:

All members of the National Security Education Board (6)

Director of the Selective Service System

Department of Education:

Assistant Secretary for Management

Commissioner for Education Statistics

Department of Health and Human Services:

Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs

Department of Homeland Security:

Director of the Office for Domestic Preparedness

Assistant Administrator for Grant Programs, Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA)

Administrator of the U.S. Fire Administration

Director of the Office of Counternarcotics Enforcement

Chief Medical Officer

Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs

Housing and Urban Development:

Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs

Department of Justice:

Director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics

Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance

Director of the National Institute of Justice

Administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Director of the Office for Victims of Crime

Department of Labor:

Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management

Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs

Director of the Women’s Bureau

Department of State

Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Administration

Department of Transportation:

Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs

Assistant Secretary for Administration

Deputy Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration

Administrator of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation

Department of the Treasury:

Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Management

Treasurer of the United States

Department of Veterans Affairs:

Assistant Secretary for Management

Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Administration

Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

Assistant Secretary for Operations, Security, and Preparedness

Appalachian Regional Commission:

Alternative Federal Co-Chairman

Council of Economic Advisers:

all members (2), except the Chairperson

Corporation for National and Community Service:

Managing directors (2)

National Council on Disability:

All members, including the Chairperson

National Museum and Library Services Boards:

all members

National Science Foundation:

all Board members

Office of National Drug Control Policy:

Deputy Directors

Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation:


United States Agency for International Development (USAID):

Assistant Administrator for Management

Community Development Financial Institution Fund:


Mississippi River Commission:

all Commissioners (7)

National Board for Education Sciences:

all members (15)

National Institute for Literacy Advisory Board:

all members (10)

Board of Trustees of the Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development:

all members (13)

United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps:

all appointments and promotions (except Surgeon General)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Officer Corps:

all appointments and promotions

The act also eliminated entirely the positions of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration and Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs.[7]

See also[edit]

Executive Schedule

Number of United States political appointments by agency

United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions


^ NLRB v. SW General, Inc., no. 15-1251 (March 21, 2017) U.S. Supreme Court

^ “Plum Book: About”. Government Publishing Office. Archived from the original on November 30, 2016. Retrieved April 29, 2016.

^ Plumer, Brad (July 16, 2013). “Does the Senate really need to confirm 1,200 executive branch jobs?”. Washington Post. Retrieved June 27, 2014.

^ “List of Ambassadorial Appointments”. American Foreign Service Association. Retrieved November 16, 2016.

^ Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, Pub.L. 109–435 (text) (pdf)

^ #113: 03-17-97 – Fy96 U.S. Attorneys’ Report Shows Prosecutors Completed More Cases Against More Criminals

^ Jump up to: a b c Maeve P. Carey, Presidential Appointments, the Senate’s Confirmation Process, and Changes Made in the 112th Congress, Congressional Research Service, October 9, 2012.

External links[edit]

2008 United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions (Plum Book)

Presidential Appointee Positions Requiring Senate Confirmation and Committees Handling Nominations – Updated March 18, 2008 – Congressional Research Service

Presidential Appointee Positions Requiring Senate Confirmation and Committees Handling Nominations – November 15, 2012 – Congressional Research Service

Presidential Appointee Initiative – Brookings Institution

Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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