"famous marks"*former flames*


(‘roman general’)
(’14 january 83 BC’ – ‘1 august 30 BC’)
(died @ ‘age 53’)
(stabbed himself in the ‘heart’ with his ‘sword’)

(much like ‘cato the younger’ a few years ago)
(as ‘caesar’ closed in on him in some part of ‘africa’)


(as octavian’s army came charging in)
‘caesar’ was octavian’s ‘great uncle’)
(‘octavian’ was caesar’s ‘great uncle’)

“great uncle”
(“greatuncle” doesn’t work as a ‘single word’)
(because end of ‘part 1’ ends in a ‘consonant’)
(and start of ‘part 2’ begins with a ‘vowel sound’)
(now that’s a phrase you don’t here batted around much?)
(even ‘great nephew’ sounds even more ‘awkward’)
(but why?)
(should we change the spelling to ‘nefew’?)
(and ‘uncel’ for ‘uncle’)

you risk mistakenly reading (or ‘mispronouncing’) the text as) –>

(“UNC” “LAY” for ‘uncle’)
(‘UN ‘SEL’ for ‘uncel’)

‘julius caesar’ was a ‘patrician’)
(meaning he ‘was “born (a) ‘patrician'”)
(which is the only way that a person could become a ‘patrician’)
(although some hstorians cite examples of ‘rare cases’ when a person ‘became’ a ‘patrician’)
(an ‘estruscan citizen’ was once accepted into the ‘patrician’ class)
(“like indian castes”)
(or “feudalism” in the ‘middle ages’)

(“mark anthony” was born a ‘plebeian’)
(more specifically, a member of the ‘antonia’ gens)

(in ‘ancient rome’, a gens (/ˈɡɛns/ or /ˈɛnz/), plural gentes, was a ‘family’ consisting of all those ‘individuals’ who shared the same ‘nomen’ and claimed descent from a ‘common ancestor’)

(aA branch of a ‘gens’ was called a ‘stirps’ (plural –> ‘stirpes’))

(the ‘gens’ was an important ‘social structure’ in ‘rome’ and throughout ‘italy’ during the period of the ‘roman republic’)

(much of an individual’s ‘social standing’ depended on the ‘gens’ to which he belonged)

(certain ‘gentes’ were considered ‘patrician’, others ‘plebeian’, while some had both ‘patrician’ and ‘plebeian’ branches)

tthe importance of ‘membership’ in a ‘gens’ declined considerably in ‘imperial times.[1][2]

(the gens antonia was a ‘roman family’ of ‘great’ (?) antiquity’, with both ‘patrician’ and ‘plebeian’ branches)

(the first of the ‘gens’ to achieve ‘prominence’ was ‘titus antonius merenda’, one of the 2nd group of ‘decemviri’ called (in ‘450 BCE’), to help draft what became the ‘law of the 12 tables’)

(the most prominent member of the ‘gens’ was ‘marcus antonius’)




(‘85 BCE’ – ‘42 BCE’)
(enemy of caesar)




(american writer)

(1835 – 1910)



👈👈👈 ☜ *back to “FAMOUS MARKS”*






🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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