-gioachino rossini-

oil painting of head and torso of young white man with medium length dark hair
“check out his left hand!”


*’1810′ (?) – ‘1815’ (?)*
*’age 18′ (?) – ‘age 23’*


(Italian: [dʒoaˈkiːno anˈtɔːnjo rosˈsiːni])

’29 february 1792′ – ’13 november 1868′

(born on a ‘leap day’!)


-“gioachino antonio rossini” was an italian composer who wrote ‘operas’, as well as some [‘sacred music’ / ‘songs’ / ‘chamber music’ / ‘piano pieces’]-


*a precocious composer of ‘operas’, he made his full debut at ‘age 18’ with la cambiale di matrimonio*


(his best-known operas include the italian comedies il barbiere di siviglia (aka ‘the barber of seville’), l‘italiana in algeri (aka ‘the italian girl in algiers), and la cenerentola (aka ‘cinderella’))

(he also wrote a string of serious operas in ‘italian’, including works such as tancrediotello and semiramide)

(the semi-serious opera la gazza ladra (aka ‘the thieving magpie’) has one of rossini’s most celebrated ‘overtures’)

(after moving to ‘paris’ in ‘1824’, he eventually started to write in ‘french’)

(his last opera, the epic guillaume tell (aka ‘william tell’), replete with its iconic ‘overture’, helped usher in ‘grand opera’ in ‘france’)

(after composing 39 significant operas in 19 years, ‘rossini’ retired from the theatre in ‘1829’)

(later, he was affected by ‘physical/mental illnesses’ and for decades wrote relatively little apart from a setting of the stabat mater)

(a return to ‘paris’ from ‘italy’ in ‘1855’ was followed by better health and the provision of exclusive ‘musical/culinary soirées’)

(during these, he presented ‘salon music’ in the form of ‘songs’, ‘piano pieces’, and ‘small chamber ensembles’ that he called “sins of old age”)

(he considered the last of these “sins” to be the unusually scored petite messe solennelle (“little solemn mass”) that he wrote in ‘1863’, the year before his death)

(or 5 years before his death?)

(he died of ‘pneumonia’)

(‘age 76’)

(‘rossini’ had been the ‘most popular opera composer in history’, and he was one of the most renowned public figures of his time)

(a ‘rapid’ and ‘prolific’ composer, he was quoted as joking, “give me the laundress’ bill and i will even set that to music”)

(a tendency for ‘inspired’ + ‘song-like’ melodies is evident throughout his scores, earning him the nickname “the italian mozart”)


(use of an “exciting build-up of ‘orchestral sound’ over a repeated phrase” (commonly known as a “rossini crescendo”) also prompted the nickname “signor crescendo”)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. “famous gioachinos” (the dead) | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. *13 NOVEMBER 1868* | *JoGa Jungle*

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