“tumor journals”

-as of [2 MARCH 2024]


“ganglion cyst”

(SUMMER 2015)

(in middle of left index finger)

(after repeated motion of ovberdubbing electric guitar chords for “persona non grata”)

(i tried smashing it with my iphone)

(no dice)

(it interferes with my guitar playing)


(caused by leakage of fluid from the ‘joint’ into the ‘surrounding tissue’)


*SPRING 2013*

lingering stye on right eyelid…

(it’s been there for months and i’ve made no effort to treat it)

(it’s only grown in size over this period)

(cheryl first noticed it when it was only a tiny bump)

(and then it started growing in size)


*cure* –>

“warm compresses”
(washcloth with hot water)


*24 OCTOBER 2013*

i don’t think it’s a “stye”

it’s actually a “chalazion”

a cyst (“closed sac”)

(how fitting!)

(my teenage nickname!)

(although in that case it referred to my alleged propensity to sneak peaks at

my “teammates’” scrotum in the football locker room)

(didn’t help my social life much!)

i’ve gotta become more vigilant in treatment

(6 times a day for 10 minutes)

(when i run out of teabags i’ll switch to warm compresses)

(or i’ll go to rite-aid and see if they have any treatment for styes)

(cheryl seems clueless)

so the eye doctor (a young white male) prescribed “eye drops”

(comprised of tobramycin + dexamethasone)

(1 drop every 6 hours)

(tobramycin is an “aminoglycoside”)

(aka “a molecule consisting of amino-modified sugars”)

(‘dexamethasone’ is synthetic)



‘pilonidal cyst’

(on top of the ‘ass crack’)

(popped it in ‘winter 2020’)


*2 MARCH 2024*

-swollen ‘lymph node’-

(right side of neck)



👈👈👈☜*“GROWTHS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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