“kings of jerusalem”

(as opposed to the ‘king of the jews’)

(a title initially used as a form of ‘mockery’)


(the king of jerusalem was the ‘supreme ruler’ of the ‘kingdom of jerusalem’, the ‘crusader state’ founded by ‘christian princes’ in ‘1099’ when the ‘1st crusade’ took the city)


(‘Godfrey of Bouillon’, the first ruler of the ‘Kingdom of Jerusalem’, himself refused the title of ‘king’, and instead chose the title “Defender of the ‘Holy Sepulchre'”)

(thus, the title of king was only introduced for his successor, ‘King Baldwin I’ in 1100)

(the city of ‘jerusalem’ was lost in 1187, but the ‘Kingdom of Jerusalem’ survived (also known as the “Second Kingdom of Jerusalem”), moving its capital to ‘acre’ in 1191)

(the city of ‘jerusalem’ was re-captured in the ‘6th crusade’, during ‘1229 – 1239’ + ‘1241 – 1244’)

(the ‘kingdom of jerusalem’ was finally dissolved with the fall of ‘acre’ and the end of the ‘crusades’ in the ‘holy land’ in ‘1291’)

(after the ‘crusader states’ ceased to exist, the title of king of jerusalem was claimed by a number of ‘european noble houses’ descended from the ‘kings of cyprus’ or the ‘kings of naples’)

(the (purely ceremonial) title of King of Jerusalem is currently used by ‘Felipe VI’ of ‘Spain’)

(it was claimed by ‘otto von habsburg’ as ‘habsburg pretender’ until his renunciation of all claims in ‘1958’, and by the ‘kings of Italy’ until ‘1946’)




(‘baldwin’ (of ‘boulogne’) was crowned as the first ‘king of jerusalem’ in the ‘church of the nativity’ in ‘bethlehem’)







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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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