"super mario brothers"*NES**V2*


*of the 4 characters to choose from, i’d recommend ‘luigi’*


*9 OCTOBER 1988*

(i was ‘4 years old’)

(and had just started playing ‘mario 1’)


(those time-suspended ‘midair run/jumps’ sure come in handy as you make your way through those well-worn psychedelic ‘dreamscapes’)

(i don’t think i ever owned ‘mario II’ as a child)

(it probably would’ve cleared up a lot of things for me)

it’s easily the most psychedelic of the mario series. the plot has something to do with dreams and eternal recurrence. so i soaked up the levels at the homes of more privileged friends.

but i mastered mario I and mario III. guess i’ll have to beat mario II before i can finally have the princess bake my cake. but mario II throws the male libidinal plotline for a loop. because this time, the princess is one of the characters to choose from (instead of the ‘damsel in distress’ / ‘reward’). either the femi-nazis finally reached nintendo headquarters in japan or the nintendo execs decided to branch out to female gamers.


cheat codes:

“warp to world 4”

Go to world 1-3 and find a potion. Now find the vase next to the brick building all the way to the right side of the level. Drop the potion and go into Sub-Space and then warp into the vase (stand on top of it and press down) You will warp to World 4!

*warp to world 5*

Go to world 3-1 and go through the door to the large waterfall with all the clouds. Now jump down and land on the platform in the center and enter. Take the potion and drop it near the vase. Enter Sub-space and warp through the vase (press down on the vase) You will warp to World 5!

*warp to world 6*

Go to world 4-2 and get the potion. Now find the vase and put the sub-space door next to it (drop it from atop the vase) Now enter sub-space and warp. You now warped to World 6

*warp to world 7*

Go to world 5-3 and get the potion (make sure you can squat-jump to the vase, you need to get someone with a good jumping ability or use an enemy to give you a boost.)

(put the sub space door near the vase and enter sub space and warp into the ‘vase’)

(you are now in ‘world 7’!)






👈👈👈 ☜ *“MARIO 1”*



*“MARIO 3”* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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