*23 OCTOBER 1988*
(japanese release)
*12 FEBRUARY 1990*
(north american release)
(i was 5 years old)
“level 1-3”
(find the ‘white block’ near the end and crouch on top of it for 5 seconds)
(then proceed to the goal, and go behind it)
(you will find a Mushroom house with a ‘whistle’)
Obtained by flying above the level at the very end of the first area. Start all the way on the right side past the door and run to the left, taking off at the last second.
A Warp Whistle is an item from Super Mario Bros. 3.
Using it sends Mario (or Luigi) to the Warp Zone.
From here, he can skip up from the middle of a world to the start of a later world.
Using it in World 1 will allow Mario to warp to World 2, 3, or 4.
Using it in a world from 2 through 6 will allow him to warp to World 5, 6, or 7.
Using it World 7 or 8 will allow him to warp to World 8.
If a second whistle is used while in the warp zone, then the player is taken directly to the World 8 Pipe.
(used to buy gamer magazines to learn all these tricks of the trade)
(now i just surf the ‘net’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥