-as of [31 AUGUST 2024]









*MXL 990*


*15 FEBRUARY 2022*

(via ‘scarlett 212’)

(into ‘macbook pro’)

(into ‘chrome’)

(into ‘mictests.com’)


“quality rating” –>


(how good/bad is that?)

(how many total ‘points’ are we working with here?)

(is the ‘best’ microphone rated ‘1000’?)






*amazon link*



*FALL 2005*

(we purchased our first microphones at the ‘springfield guitar center’)

(2 MXL microphones for $100)

*1 for recording ‘acoustic guitar’*

*1 for recording ‘vocals’*



(in ‘march 2006’, i bought the ‘pop filter’ to record better vocals)

(the day after i resigned from ‘guitar center’)

(i think they still gave me an ’employee discount’)

(my preferred ‘digital audio interface’ is ‘cubase’)

(although i used ‘pro tools’ as a ‘QSS sound engineer’ and experimented with ‘garageband’ after getting an ‘imac’)

(i downloaded a “melodyne” plug-in sometime in ‘2009’ to ‘autotune’ my vocal parts but quickly grew disillusioned…)

(i preferred “halionone” + “synth prologue” for my MIDI parts…)

(all scored in ‘sibelius’ after ‘the professor’ introduced me to the world of ‘torrents’ in ‘fall 2006’)

(‘luke’ gave me a CD to download the latest version of ‘pro tools’ onto my ‘imac’ in ‘spring 2010’ but i never bothered (due to my inherent paranoia about receiving software secondhand (especially when ‘free’)))

we weren’t on speaking terms at the time and so ‘roboray’ was the one to deliver the CD to me…

(i bought several other ‘microphones’ over the years but i find that my first ‘MXL microphones’ achieve the best results…)

(go figure!)
(the cheapest ones)

(to go along with ‘wine-tasting competitions’, we should challenge ‘audio engineers’ to guess which microphone recored the track)

(see if they can differentiate between ‘cheap mic’ / ‘expensive mic’)

(i use the ‘vocal mic’ to mic my ‘guitar amps’…)

(as soon as i untangled the ‘microphone wire’, i fucked up the ‘vocal mic signal’…)

(from ‘wire’ to ‘microphone’…)

(had to take off the ‘stand hooks’ on the wire in order for it to “work”)

(god forbid someone find me a sturdy ‘mic stand’!)

(oh the (udder) irony!)

(’17 april 2013′)






👈👈👈☜*“MICROPHONES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. “microphones” | *JoGa Jungle*

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