*the ‘muon’*

Moon's shadow in muons.gif


-MEW on-



[from the ‘greek letter’ mu (μ) used to represent it]


[the muon  is an ‘elementary particle’ – similar to the ‘electron’ (with (‘electric charge’ of −1 e / ‘spin’ of 1/2))- but with a much greater ‘mass’]


(it is classified as a “lepton”)

(as is the case with other ‘leptons’, the ‘muon’ is not believed to have any ‘sub-structure’ — that is, it is not thought to be composed of any simpler ‘particles’)

(the ‘muon’ is an ‘unstable subatomic particle’ with a ‘mean lifetime’ of 2.2 µs, much longer than many other ‘subatomic particles’)

(as with the ‘decay’ of the ‘non-elementary neutron’ (with a lifetime around ’15 minutes’), ‘muon decay’ is slow (by “subatomic standards”) because the ‘decay’ is mediated by the ‘weak interaction’ exclusively (rather than the more powerful ‘strong interaction’ or ‘electromagnetic interaction’), and because the ‘mass difference’ between the ‘muon’ and the set of its ‘decay products’ is ‘small’, providing few ‘kinetic ‘degrees of freedom” for ‘decay’)

(“muon decay” almost always produces at least 3 particles, which must include an ‘electron’ of the same ‘charge’ as the ‘muon’ and 2 ‘neutrinos’ of different ‘types’)

(like all ‘elementary particles’, the ‘muon’ has a corresponding ‘antiparticle’ of ‘opposite charge’ (+1 e) but equal ‘mass’ and ‘spin’:

the antimuon
(also called a positive muon))

(“muons” are denoted by  μ− and “antimuons” by μ+)

(“muons” were previously called mu mesons, but are not classified as “mesons” by modern ‘particle physicists’ (see “§ History”), and that name is no longer used by the ‘physics community’)

(“muons” have a ‘mass’ of 105.7 MeV/c2, which is about ‘207 times’ that of the “electron”)

(due to their ‘greater mass’, “muons” are not as sharply accelerated when they encounter “electromagnetic fields”, and do not emit as much “bremsstrahlung” (aka ‘deceleration radiation’))

(this allows “muons” of a given ‘energy’ to penetrate far more deeply into ‘matter’ than ‘electrons’ since the ‘deceleration’ of ‘electrons’ and ‘muons’ is primarily due to ‘energy loss’ by the “bremsstrahlung mechanism”)

(as an example, so-called “secondary muons”, generated by ‘cosmic rays’ hitting the ‘atmosphere’, can penetrate to the earth’s surface, and even into ‘deep mines’)

(because ‘muons’ have a very large ‘mass’ and ‘energy’ compared with the ‘decay energy’ of ‘radioactivity’, they are never produced by “radioactive decay”)

(they are, however, produced in copious amounts in ‘high-energy interactions’ in ‘normal matter’, in certain ‘particle accelerator experiments’ with ‘hadrons’, or naturally in ‘cosmic ray interactions’ with ‘matter’)

(these interactions usually produce “pi mesons” initially, which most often decay to “muons”)


(as with the case of the other ‘charged leptons’, the “muon” has an associated “muon neutrino” (denoted by νμ)which is not the same particle as the “electron neutrino”, and does not participate in the same ‘nuclear reactions’)








👈👈👈☜*“THE LEPTON”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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