"netley abbey"




*”netley abbey” is a ‘ruined late medieval monastery’ in the village of ‘netley’ near ‘southampton’ in ‘hampshire’ (‘england’)*


(the abbey was founded in 1239 as a house for ‘roman catholic’ monks of the austere ‘cistercian’ order)

(despite being a ‘royal abbey’, ‘netley’ was never ‘rich’, produced no influential ‘scholars’ nor ‘churchmen’, and its nearly 300-year history was quiet)

(the monks were best known to their neighbors for the generous hospitality they offered to travelers on land and sea)

(in 1536, ‘netley abbey’ was closed by ‘henry VIII’ of ‘england’ during the ‘dissolution of the monasteries’ and the building was converted into a ‘mansion’ by ‘william paulet’, a wealthy ‘tudor’ politician)

(the abbey was used as a ‘country house’ until the beginning of the 18th century, after which it was abandoned and partially demolished for ‘building materials’)

(subsequently the ruins became a ‘tourist attraction’, and provided inspiration to ‘poets’ and ‘artists’ of the ‘romantic’ movement)

(in the early 20th century the site was given to the nation, and it is now a ‘scheduled ancient monument’, cared for by ‘english heritage’)

(the extensive remains consist of the ‘church’, ‘cloister buildings’, ‘abbot’s house’, and fragments of the ‘post-dissolution mansion’)


(‘netley abbey’ is one of the best preserved medieval ‘cistercian’ monasteries in ‘southern england’)








👈👈👈☜*“NETLEY”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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