




*transfer / loss of electrons*

(oxidation produces “free radicals”)
(atoms that have unpaired ‘valence electrons’)

(these ‘free radicals’ can cause ‘chain reactions’ that can destroy the cell)


*”red-ox” –> short for ‘reduction oxidation’*


(‘red-ox’ is a ‘chemical reaction’ in which the ‘oxidation states’ of atoms are changed)

(any such reaction involves both a ‘reduction process’ + a ‘complementary oxidation process’)

(plural ‘processes’ or ‘proci’ / ‘proseye’)

(‘reduction process’ + ‘complementary oxidation process’ are 2 key concepts involved with ‘electron transfer processes’)

(‘redox reactions’ include all ‘chemical reactions’ in which atoms have their ‘oxidation state’ changed)

(in general, ‘redox reactions’ involve the transfer of ‘electrons’ between ‘chemical species’)

(the ‘chemical species’ from which the ‘electron’ is stripped is said to have been “oxidized”…)

(…while the ‘chemical species’ to which the ‘electron’ is added is said to have been ‘reduced’)



(it can be explained in simple terms…)

(‘oxidation’ is the loss of ‘electrons’ (or an increase in ‘oxidation state’) by a [‘molecule’ / ‘atom’ / ‘ion’))


(“reduction” is the gain of “electrons” or a decrease in “oxidation state” by a (‘molecule’ / ‘atom’ / ‘ion’))



(as an example, during the ‘combustion’ of ‘wood’, ‘oxygen’ from the air is ‘reduced’, transferring ‘electrons’ from the ‘carbon’)

(although “oxidation reactions” are commonly associated with the formation of “oxides” from oxygen molecules, “oxygen” is not necessarily included in such reactions, as other chemical species can serve the same function)

(the reaction can occur relatively slowly, as in the case of “rust”, or more quickly, as in the case of “fire”)


(examples of ‘simple redox processes’…)

(the oxidation of “carbon” to yield “carbon dioxide” (CO2))

(the reduction of “carbon” by “hydrogen” to yield “methane” (CH4))


(…and more ‘complex processes’)

(the oxidation of ‘glucose’ (C6H12O6) in the ‘human body’)






👈👈👈☜*“REACTIONS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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