
*in ‘medicine’, a pulse represents the tactile ‘arterial palpation’ of the ‘heartbeat’ by ‘trained fingertips’*


(the ‘pulse’ may be palpated in any place that allows an ‘artery’ to be compressed against a ‘bone’, such as at…)

the ‘neck’ 
(‘carotid artery’)

on the inside of the ‘elbow’
(‘brachial artery’)

at the ‘wrist’
(‘radial artery’)

at the ‘groin’
(‘femoral artery’)

behind the ‘knee’
(‘popliteal artery’)

near the ‘ankle joint’
(‘posterior tibial artery’)

on the ‘foot’
(‘dorsalis pedis artery’)


*for a sum total of 7 possible ‘pulse hotspots’*


(‘pulse’ (or the ‘count of arterial pulse per minute’) is equivalent to measuring the ‘heart rate’)

(the ‘heart rate’ can also be measured by listening to the ‘heart beat’ directly (‘auscultation’), traditionally using a ‘stethoscope’ and counting it for a minute)

(the ‘radial pulse’ is commonly measured using ‘3 fingers’)

(this has a reason…)

*the finger closest to the heart is used to occlude (or ‘stop’) the ‘pulse pressure’*

*the middle finger is used get a crude estimate of the ‘blood pressure’*

*the finger most ‘distal’ (or ‘furthest’) to the heart (usually the ‘ring finger’) is used to nullify the effect of the ‘ulnar pulse’ as the 2 arteries are connected via the ‘palmar arches’ (‘superficial’ + ‘deep’))


(the study of the ‘pulse’ is known as ‘sphygmology’)






👈👈👈☜*“MONITORS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. “monitors” (circulatory system) | *JoGa Jungle*

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