*roman emperors*


*503 YEARS*

*27 BCE’ – ‘476 CE’

(for an average reign of ~7 years)





(’27 BCE’ – ’14 CE’)
(maternal great-nephew of ‘julius caesar’)




(14 – 37)
(stepson of ‘augustus’)




(37 – 41)




(41 – 54)




(54 – 68)


#6 / #7 / #8 / #9

*YEAR 69*




(79 – 81)




(81 – 96)




(96 – 98)




(98 – 117)
(died at ‘age 53’)




(117 – 138)
(he married trajan’s grandniece “vibia sabina”)
(and his father was a maternal cousin of “trajan”)
(and he was supposedly ‘adopted’ by ‘trajan’ prior to his death)
(at least according to trajan’s wife ‘plotina’)




(138 – 161)
(adopted son of “hadrian”)




(161 – 169)
(adopted grandson of “hadrian”)
(adopted son of “antoninus pius”)




(co-emperor until 169)
(161 – 180)
(adopted son of “antoninus pius”)




(co-emperor until 180)
(177 – 192)












(193 – 211)
(co-emperor from 198 – 211 with ‘caracalla’)




(co-emperor from 209 – 211 with father and older brother)




(198 – 217)
(co-emperor from 198 – 211 with ‘septimius severus’)
(co-emperor from 209 – 211 with ‘geta’)




(217 – 218)




(218 – 222)




(222 – 235)




(235 – 238)


#28 / #29 / #30 / #31 / #32 / #33

*YEAR 238*




(238 – 244)




(244 – 249)




(249 – 251)
(co-emperor with “herennius etruscus”)




(co-emperor with “decius”)




(co-emperor with “hostilian” in 251)
(co-emperor with “volusianus” from 251 – 253)




(co-emperor with “trebonianus gallus” in ‘251’)




(co-emperor with “trebonianus gallus” from ‘251’ – ‘253’)








(co-emperor with “gallienus” from 253 – 260)




(co-emperor with “valerian” from 253 – 260)
(co-emperor with “saloninus” in 260)
(sole emperor from 260 – 268)




(268 – 270)








(270 – 275)




(275 – 276)








(276 – 282)




(282 – 283)




(as “caesar of the west” under “carus” from 282 – 283)
(as “co-emperor” with “carus” in 283)
(as “co-emperor” with “numerian” from 283 – 284)
(in competition with “diocletan” from 284 – 285)




(in competition with “carinus” from 284 – 285)
(as sole emperor from 285 – 286)
(as “augustus of the east” from 286 – 305)
(with “maximian” as “augustus of the west”)




(as “caesar” with “maximian” from 293 – 305)
(as “augustus in the west” from 305 – 306)
(with “galerius” as “augustus in the east”)




(as “caesar in the west” under “constantius chlorus” from 305 – 306)
(as “augustus in the west” in competition with ‘constantine’, ‘maxentius’, and ‘maximian’ from 306 – 307)




(as “caesar” under “diocletian” from 285 – 286)

(as “augustus of the west” from 286 – 305)

(with “diocletian” as “augustus of the east”)

(from 306 – 308 he declared himself “augustus”)

(in 310 he declared himself “augustus” AGAIN)




(‘306’ – ‘308’)


(from 306 to 312 in competition with ‘severus’ / ‘galerius’ / ‘constantine’)




(306 – 337)




(as “caesar of the west” under his father constantine I from 317 – 337)
(as co-emperor with brothers “constantius II” and “constans” from 337 – 340)
(finally defeated by “constans”)




(as “co-emperor” with his brothers from 337 – 350)




(“usurper of the roman empire”)




(as “caesar” under his father constantine I from 324 – 337)
(as “co-augustus” with his brothers from 337 – 340)
(as “co-augustus” with constans from 340 – 350)
(as sole emperor from 350 – 361)




(361 – 363)




(363 – 364)




(as ’emperor of the west’ from 364 – 375)




(“the last true roman”)
(eastern roman emperor from 364 – 378)
(defeated and killed at the “battle of adrianople”)
(marked beginning of collapse of “western roman empire”)




(359 – 383)
(nephew of valens)




(371 – 392)
(nephew of ‘valens’)




(347 -395)
(reigned from 379 – 395)
(final “sole roman emperor” over east and west)

(*first emperor before east/west split*)


#69 / #70



(eastern roman emperor)
(377 – 408)



(384 – 423)
(western roman emperor)
(reigned from 393 – 423)





(419 – 455)
(‘western roman emperor’ from 425 – 455)




(396 – 455)




(380 – 457)




(420 – 461)




(420 – 465)




(420 – 472)
(emperor from 467 – 472)




(died in 472)




(420 – 480)




(reigned from 474 – 475)
(430 – 480)




(reigned from 475 – 476)

(born in 460)

(died sometime after 476)

(apparently still alive as late as 507)




*the roman emperor was the ruler of the ‘roman empire’ during the ‘imperial period’*


(the emperors used a variety of different titles throughout ‘history’)

(often when a given ‘roman’ is described as becoming “emperor” in ‘english’, it reflects his taking of the title augustus or ‘caesar’)

(another title often used was imperator, originally a ‘military honorific’)

(early emperors also used the title princeps (or ‘first citizen’))

(’emperors’ frequently amassed ‘republican titles’, notably ‘princeps senatus’, ‘consul’, and ‘pontifex maximus’)

(the legitimacy of an emperor’s rule depended on his control of the ‘army’ and recognition by the ‘senate’; an ’emperor’ would normally be proclaimed by his ‘troops’, or invested with imperial titles by the ‘senate’, or both)

(the first emperors reigned alone; later emperors would sometimes rule with ‘co-emperors’ and divide administration of the ’empire’ between them)

(the romans considered the office of ’emperor’ to be distinct from that of a ‘king’)

(the first emperor (‘augustus’) resolutely refused recognition as a ‘monarch’)

(although ‘augustus’ could claim that his power was authentically ‘republican’, his successor, ‘tiberius’, could not convincingly make the same claim)

(nonetheless, for the first 300 years of ‘roman emperors’ (from ‘augustus’ until ‘diocletian’) a great effort was made to emphasize that the emperors were the leaders of a ‘republic’)

(from ‘diocletian’ onwards, emperors ruled in an openly ‘monarchic style’ and did not preserve the nominal principle of a ‘republic’, but the contrast with “kings” was maintained: although the ‘imperial succession’ was generally ‘hereditary’, it was only ‘hereditary’ if there was a suitable candidate acceptable to the ‘army’ and the ‘bureaucracy’, so the principle of ‘automatic inheritance’ was not adopted)

(elements of the ‘republican institutional framework’ (as in ‘senate’, ‘consuls’, and ‘magistrates’) were preserved until the very end of the ‘western empire’)

(the eastern (or ‘byzantine’) emperors ultimately adopted the title of “basileus” (βασιλεύς), which had meant king in greek, but became a title reserved solely for the ‘roman emperor’ and the ruler of the ‘sasanian empire’)

(other kings were then referred to as ‘rēgas’)

(in addition to their ‘pontifical office’, some ’emperors’ were given ‘divine status’ after ‘death’)

(with the eventual hegemony of ‘christianity’, the ’emperor’ came to be seen as ‘god’s chosen ruler’, as well as a ‘special protector’ and leader of the ‘christian church’ on ‘earth’, although in practice an emperor’s authority on ‘church matters’ was subject to challenge)

(the ‘western roman empire’ collapsed in the ‘late 5th century’)

(‘romulus augustulus’ is often considered to be the last emperor of the west after his ‘forced abdication’ in ‘476’, although ‘julius nepos’ maintained a claim to the title until his death in ‘480’)

(meanwhile, in the east, emperors continued to rule from ‘constantinople’ (“new rome”); these are referred to in ‘modern scholarship’ as “byzantine emperor” but they used no such title and called themselves “emperor (or king) of the romans” (βασιλεύς Ῥωμαίων))

(‘constantine XI palaiologos’ was the last ‘byzantine roman emperor’ in ‘constantinople’, dying in the ‘fall of constantinople’; to the ‘ottomans’ in ‘1453’)

(due to the cultural rupture of the ‘turkish conquest’, most western historians treat ‘constantine XI’ as the last meaningful claimant to the title ‘roman emperor’, although from ‘1453’ ottoman rulers were titled “caesar of rome” (turkish: Kayser-i Rum) until the ‘ottoman empire’ ended in ‘1922’)

(a ‘byzantine’ group of claimant ‘roman emperors’ existed in the ’empire of trebizond’ until its conquest by the ‘ottomans’ in ‘1461’)


(in ‘western europe’ the title of ‘roman emperor’ was revived by ‘germanic rulers’ – the “holy roman emperors” – in 800, and was used until ‘1806’)











👈👈👈☜*“THE ROMAN EMPIRE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. “the roman empire” | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. “year of the 4 emperors” | *JoGa Jungle*
  3. “lucius aelius” | *JoGa Jungle*
  4. “year of the six emperors” | *JoGa Jungle*
  5. “nero” | *JoGa Jungle*
  6. “augustus” | *JoGa Jungle*
  7. “tiberius” | *JoGa Jungle*
  8. “nepotianus” | *JoGa Jungle*

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