“ronald mcdonald”

File:Ronald McDonald photo (cropped) (cropped).jpg


(‘ronald mcdonald’ is a ‘clown character’ used as the ‘primary mascot’ of the ‘mcdonald fast-food restaurant chain’)


(in ‘television commercials’, the clown inhabits a ‘fantasy world’ called “mcdonaldland”, + has adventures with his friends…)


*mayor mccheese*



*the ‘hamburglar’*

The History of the Hamburglar - Chowhound




Image result for grimace mcdonald






Image result for birdie mcdonald

(the ‘early bird’)




“the fry kids”

Image result for the fry kids mcdonald


(in recent years, “mcdonaldland” has been largely ‘phased out’, + ‘ronald’ is instead shown interacting with ‘normal children’ in their ‘everyday lives’)


“…because that’s not creepy at all…”

‘no one’


(many people work ‘full-time’ making appearances in the ‘ronald mcdonald’ costume, visiting children in ‘hospitals’, and attending ‘regular events’)

(there are also “ronald mcdonald houses”, where parents can stay overnight when visiting sick children in nearby ‘chronic care facilities’)






👈👈👈 ☜ *“MCDONALD”*












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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