*dutch* —> ‘koninklijk concertgebouworkest’
*pronounced [ˌkɔnɪnklək kɔnˈsɛrtɣəbʌu̯ɔrˌkɛst]*
(ranked “best orchestra” in ‘2008’)
(with a conductor named ‘daniele gatti’ no less!)
(iniitially assumed the ‘e’ end of name was ‘female verson’ of ‘daniel’)
(but this right here’s a bona-fide dude!)
(‘chief conductor’ from ‘september 2016’ to ‘2 august 2018’)
(another ‘victim’ of the #metoo movement who got ‘canned’ immediately by the ‘opera house’)
(the ‘royal concertgebouw orchestra’ is a ‘symphony orchestra’ of ‘the netherlands’, based at the ‘concertgebouw’ (aka ‘concert hall’) in ‘amsterdam’)
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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥