“3 sacraments of initiation”







*AS OF ‘9 OCTOBER 2018’*

(in ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ christian ‘liturgical’ + ‘pastoral’ traditions, the 3 sacraments of initiation (also called the “mysteries of initiation”) are (‘baptism’ / ‘confirmation’ / the ‘eucharist’))

‘eucharist’ –> ‘communion’

(in the ‘latin church’ and other ‘western denominations’, the ‘rite’ of ‘infant baptism’ only has ‘baptism’ conferred in ‘babies’)

(the ‘eucharist’ and ‘confirmation’ are postponed until the child achieves ‘age of self-awareness’)


(wouldn’t this age ‘vary’???)
(based (up)on a child’s ‘precociousness’ and/or a fixed church definition of ‘self-awareness’)


(‘eastern orthodox’ + ‘eastern catholic’ groups administer all 3 sacraments to ‘infants’)

(‘adults’ are normally ‘baptized’ after ‘enrollment’ as a ‘catechumen’…

…either ‘formally’ (as in the ‘latin rite’)…

or more ‘informally’, as in some ‘eastern catholic churches’)

(although not a ‘true member’ of the ‘church’, ‘catechumens’ may have some ‘share’ in ‘christ’, according to the ‘church’)

(according to the ‘catechism’, ‘baptism’ makes one a member of the ‘body of christ’ and prepares one for the reception of the other ‘sacraments’)

(‘confirmation’ is the ‘anointing’ in the ‘holy spirit’)

(the ‘eucharist’ gives one the “food of eternal life” (‘John 6:54’), and allows one to receive ‘jesus’)






👈👈👈☜*back to “THE 7 CATHOLIC SACRAMENTS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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