
Na (Sodium).jpg


*atomic #11*



(aka “bleach”)

(think “clorox”)



(from new latin “natrium”)

(from arabic “suda” (meaning “headache”))

(because sodium carbonate (aka ‘soda’) has headache-alleviating properties)

(in humans, ‘sodium’ is an essential nutrient that regulates ‘blood volume’, ‘blood pressure’, ‘osmotic equilibrium’, and ‘pH’; the minimum physiological requirement for ‘sodium’ is 500 milligrams per day)

(“sodium chloride” is the principal source of sodium in the diet, and is used as seasoning and preservative, such as for pickling and jerky; most of it comes from processed foods)

(it is a soft, silvery-white, highly reactive metal)

(sodium is an “alkali metal”, being in group 1 of the periodic table, because it has a single electron in its outer shell that it readily donates, creating a positively charged atom—the Na+ cation)

(its only stable isotope is 23Na)

(the free metal does not occur in nature, but must be prepared from compounds)

(“sodium” is the sixth most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, and exists in numerous minerals such as ‘feldspars’, ‘sodalite’ and ‘rock salt’ (NaCl))

(many salts of sodium are highly water-soluble: sodium ions have been leached by the action of water from the earth’s minerals over eons, and thus sodium and chlorine are the most common dissolved elements by weight in the oceans)

(‘sodium’ was first isolated by ‘humphry davy’ in 1807 by the electrolysis of ‘sodium hydroxide’)

(among many other useful sodium compounds, ‘sodium hydroxide’ (‘lye’) is used in soap manufacture, and ‘sodium chloride’ (aka ‘edible salt’) is a ‘de-icing agent’ and a nutrient for animals including humans)

(sodium is an essential element for all animals and some plants)

(sodium ions are the major cation in the extracellular fluid (ECF) and as such are the major contributor to the ECF osmotic pressure and ECF compartment volume)

(loss of water from the ECF compartment increases the sodium concentration, a condition called ‘hypernatremia’)

(‘isotonic’ loss of water and sodium from the ECF compartment decreases the size of that compartment in a condition called ‘ECF hypovolemia’)

(by means of the ‘sodium-potassium pump’, living human cells pump three sodium ions out of the cell in exchange for two potassium ions pumped in; comparing ion concentrations across the cell membrane, inside to outside, potassium measures about 40:1, and sodium, about 1:10)


(in ‘nerve cells’, the electrical charge across the cell membrane enables transmission of the nerve impulse—an ‘action potential’—when the charge is dissipated)


(‘sodium’ plays a key role in that activity)








👈👈👈 ☜ *“NEON” (#10)*


*“MAGNESIUM” (#12)* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“THE 118 ELEMENTS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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