

*as of ‘17 SEPTEMBER 2023’*


-‘matter’ in the ‘solid state’ maintains a fixed ‘volume’ + ‘shape’, with component ‘particles’ (‘atoms’, ‘molecules’, or ‘ions’) close together and fixed into place-


(“solid” is 1 of the 4 ‘fundamental states of matter’ (the others being ‘liquid’, ‘gas’, and ‘plasma’)

(in ‘solids’, molecules are closely packed)

(it is characterized by ‘structural rigidity’ and resistance to changes of ‘shape’ or ‘volume’)

(unlike a ‘liquid’, a ‘solid object’ does not flow to take on the shape of its container, nor does it expand to fill the entire volume available to it like a ‘gas’ does)

(the ‘atoms’ in a solid are tightly bound to each other, either in a regular ‘geometric lattice’ (‘crystalline solids’, which include ‘metals’ and ordinary ‘ice’) or irregularly (an ‘amorphous solid’ such as common ‘window glass’))

(‘solids’ cannot be compressed with little ‘pressure’ whereas ‘gases’ can be compressed with little pressure because in gases molecules are loosely packed)

(the branch of ‘physics’ that deals with ‘solids’ is called ‘solid-state physics’, and is the main branch of ‘condensed matter physics’ (which also includes ‘liquids’))

(‘materials science’ is primarily concerned with the ‘physical’ and ‘chemical’ properties of ‘solids’)

(‘solid-state chemistry’ is especially concerned with the ‘synthesis’ of ‘novel materials’, as well as the science of ‘identification’ and ‘chemical composition’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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