*sputnik 1*

see caption

*a ‘replica’ stored @ “national air + space museum*
(in “washington DC”)
(american capital)
(even though it was a decidedly ‘russian’ innovation)


*”sputnik” is russian word for ‘satellite’*
(also used to describe ‘spouses’ / ‘travel companions’)


*4 october 1957*


“sputnik I”

(invented by the ‘soviet union’)

(first artificial satellite to orbit earth)

(that gets us americans all competitive and fired up)

(praise is sometimes bad)

(i idealize my childhood ‘genius’ but i really just had a shallow understanding of all around me)

(which can be pleasant for quite a while actually)

(our parents were ‘3 years old’)




*’russian’ –> cпутник-1 / [ˈsputnʲɪk] / “satellite-1″*




‘russian’ –> Простейший / Спутник-1 / Prosteyshiy Sputnik-1

“elementary satellite 1”


-‘sputnik 1″  was the first ‘artificial earth satellite’-


(the ‘soviet union’ launched it into an elliptical ‘low earth orbit’ on ‘4 october 1957’)

(it was a ’58 cm’ (/ ’23 inches’) diameter polished metal sphere, with 4 external ‘radio antennas’ to broadcast ‘radio pulses’)

(it was visible all around the Earth and its radio pulses were detectable)

(this surprise success precipitated the “American Sputnik crisis” and triggered the “Space Race”, a part of the larger ‘Cold War’)

(the launch ushered in new political, military, technological, and scientific developments)

(tracking and studying Sputnik 1 from Earth provided scientists with valuable information, even though the satellite itself wasn’t equipped with sensors)

(the density of the upper atmosphere could be deduced from its drag on the orbit, and the propagation of its radio signals gave information about the ionosphere)

(‘Sputnik 1’ was launched during the International Geophysical Year from Site No.1/5, at the 5th Tyuratam range, in Kazakh SSR (now known as the ‘Baikonur Cosmodrome’))

(the satellite travelled at about 29,000 kilometres per hour (18,000 mph; 8,100 m/s), taking 96.2 minutes to complete each orbit)

(it transmitted on 20.005 and 40.002 MHz, which were monitored by amateur radio operators throughout the world)

(the signals continued for 21 days until the transmitter batteries ran out on ’26 october 1957′)


[“sputnik” burned up on ‘4 january 1958’ while re-entering earth’s atmosphere, after…]

*’3 months’*


‘1440 completed orbits of the earth’


*distance traveled of ~ 70 million kilometers*
(or ’43 million miles’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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