“the common cold”

common cold


Rhinovirus isosurface.png

*’iso-surface’ of the ‘capsid’ of ‘human rhino-virus 14’, 1 of the viruses which cause the ‘common cold*

*’protein spikes’ are colored ‘white’ for ‘visual clarity’*

*note the ‘icosahedral symmetry’*

*based on ‘Protein Data Bank’* *entry 4RHV*

*rendered in ‘Maxon Cinema 4D’*


-as of [12 JANUARY 2024]






















*’the common cold’ is a ‘viral infectious disease’ of the ‘upper respiratory tract’ that primarily affects the ‘nose’*


(the (‘throat’ / ‘sinuses’ / ‘voice box’) may also be affected)



[‘signs’ + ‘symptoms’ may begin less than 2 days following ‘exposure’…]

(they include…)


‘sore throat’

‘runny nose’






(people usually recover in 7 to 10 days)

(some ‘symptoms’ may last up to 3 weeks)

(in those with other health problems, ‘pneumonia’ may occasionally develop)

(well over 200 virus strains are implicated in the cause of the ‘common cold’)

(the ‘rhinoviruses’ are the most common)


(they spread through the ‘air’ during close contact with ‘infected people’ and indirectly through ‘contact’ with ‘objects’ in the ‘environment’ followed by ‘transfer’ to the ‘mouth’ / ‘nose’)



(risk factors include…)

‘going to day-care’

‘not sleeping well’

‘psychological stress’



(‘symptoms’ are mostly due to the body’s ‘immune response’ to the infection rather than to ’tissue destruction’ by the viruses themselves)


(people with ‘influenza’ often show similar symptoms as people with a ‘cold’, though symptoms are usually more severe in the former)


(‘influenza’ is less likely to result in a ‘runny nose’)

(there is no ‘vaccine’ for the ‘common cold’ (yet))


(the primary methods of prevention are…)

‘hand washing’

‘not touching the ‘eyes’, ‘nose’, or ‘mouth’ with unwashed hands’

and ‘staying away from other ‘sick people”)


(some evidence supports the use of ‘face masks’)


(no cure for the ‘common cold’ exists (yet), but the symptoms can be treated)

(at least no ‘immediate cure’)

(‘non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs’ (‘NSAIDs’) – such as ‘ibuprofen’ – may help with ‘pain’)

 (‘antibiotics’ should not be used)

(‘evidence does not support a benefit from ‘cough medicines’)

(nor do ‘zinc lozenges’)

(does tea?)

(does it do for you what it did for me)

(does it doo doo doo)

(as in they don’t stop coughs?)

(as in they don’t make you ‘feel better’?)

(as in they have no effect on squashing the ‘common cold’)

(the ‘common cold’ is the most frequent infectious disease in ‘humans’)

(the ‘average adult’ gets 2 to 4 colds a year, while the ‘average child’ may get 6 to 8 colds a year)

(they occur more commonly during the ‘winter’)



(these infections have been with humanity since ‘ancient times’)








👈👈👈☜*-VIRUSES-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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