“the eighth”

*8 JANUARY 1815*


(‘the eighth’ was a ‘federal holiday’ in the ‘united states’ from ‘1828’ until ‘1861’)

(lemme guess…centuries later ‘we’ realized ‘we’ were in the ‘wrong’…)

(it was ‘we’ in the ‘wrong’…)


(it honored the ‘battle of new orleans’, which took place on ‘8 january 1815’, with tennessee’s ‘andrew jackson’ leading a successful battle against ‘regular british soldiers’ + ‘freed slaves’)

(the holiday was celebrated widely across the ‘US south’ after this final battle in the ‘war of 1812’)

*race war alert*

(keep in mind that theye were battling ‘freed slaves’ in addition to ‘british troops’)

(this sounds like a problematic holiday to celebrate in this ‘day’ + ‘age’)


(“the eighth” became an ‘official national holiday in ‘1828’, following jackson’s election as ‘president)

(was it he who first proposed the ‘holiday’?)

(or were other congressmen behind the ‘holiday push’ to win influence of him as he yielded ‘presidential powers’?)

*proto-trumpian self-glorification*


(“the eighth” continued as an ‘official national holiday’ from ‘1828’ until the advent of the ‘american civil war’)

(the holiday remains ‘largely forgotten’ by the ‘american public’)

(according to the bryan times article from ‘4 january 2005’, the battle was a ‘major turning point’ in ‘american history’, but many people who live in ‘new orleans’ did not even know that the battle happened in their city)

(as it was the ‘final war’ waged against ‘england’, it turns out to be america’s ‘2nd independence’)

‘andrew jackson’
(following the lead of victorious general ‘george washington’…)

(via ‘ulysses s grant’…)

(right up to ‘dwight D eisenhower’?)
(our most recent ‘victorious ‘general’ turned ‘president”)

(historians recalled that celebrations were larger than ‘christmas’ + was only surpassed by ‘independence day’)






👈👈👈☜*“THE WAR OF 1812”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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