“the holy see”






‘italian’ –> santa sede

Latin: Sancta Sedes


Latin: [ˈsaŋkta ˈsɛdes])


*the ‘ecclesiastical jurisdiction’ of the ‘Catholic Church’ in ‘Rome’,

*the ‘episcopal see’ of the ‘pope’*

*an ‘independent sovereign entity’*


(it serves as the central point of reference for the ‘Catholic Church’ everywhere and the focal point of communion due to its position as the pre-eminent ‘episcopal see’ of the ‘universal church’)

(it traces its origin to the 1st century during the ‘apostolic era’, when ‘Saint Peter’ arrived in Rome to evangelize and formed a significant early Christian community of believers there)

(today, it is responsible for the governance of all ‘Catholics’, organized in their ‘Particular Churches’, ‘Patriarchates’, and ‘religious institutes’)

(as an independent sovereign entity, holding the ‘Vatican City’ enclave in ‘Rome’ as sovereign territory, it maintains diplomatic relations with other states)

(it is viewed as analogous to a state while administered by the Roman Curia (Latin for Roman Court), similar to a centralized government with the ‘Cardinal Secretary of State’ as its chief administrator, and various dicasteries, comparable to ministries and executive departments)

(diplomatically, the ‘Holy See’ acts and speaks for the whole church)

(it is also recognized by other subjects of international law as a sovereign entity, headed by the ‘Pope’, with which diplomatic relations can be maintained)

(often informally referred to as “the Vatican”, the “Holy See” is not the same entity as the “Vatican City State”, which came into existence only in 1929 because of the ‘Lateran Treaty’; the ‘Holy See’, the ‘episcopal see’ of ‘Rome’, dates back to ‘antiquity’)

(ambassadors are officially accredited not to the ‘Vatican City State’ but to “the Holy See”, and ‘Papal representatives’ to states and international organizations are recognized as representing the ‘Holy See’, not the ‘Vatican City State’)

(the creation of the ‘Vatican City’ state was meant to ensure the diplomatic and spiritual independence of the ‘Pope’)

(though all ‘episcopal sees’ may be considered ‘holy’, the expression “the Holy See” (without further specification) is normally used in international relations (and in the canon law of the ‘Catholic Church’) to refer to the ‘See of Rome’ viewed as the central government of the ‘Catholic Church’)

(the “see” (or “chair”) whose ‘bishop’ is the ‘pope’)

(it is the “central government” of the ‘catholic church’)

(located in vatican city within ‘rome’)

(it is roughly 110 acres)






👈👈👈☜*“EPISCOPAL SEES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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