"the tell-off"

6 DECEMBER 2011:

corinne melville

(this message was sent shortly before the shit hit the fan)

(i wrote the message after making a complimentary comment about her looks on one of her facebook pics…then i noticed she deleted the pic right after i posted the comment…)

(her fiancee ryan still e-mailed my mother…threatened to contact the police…cheryl likely sided with him and told him i was “deeply troubled”…and probably revealed the fact that i still lived with them…)

he facebook messaged me and i wrote back curt dismissive tell-offs…i was in the midst of another drinking binge…then he called the house line…i answered and pretended to be my brother…told him i’d talk to my brother for him…he demanded an apology from me or he threatened to track me down “with his brothers” over the holidays and “straighten me out”…i interpreted this as a threat and considered calling the cops on him…as bergblum stated “it’s not a crime to be mean to an adult”…still a rather embarrassing (yet cathartic) chapter in my life…the fiancee seemed satisfied after he told me “never contact corinne or heather again”…

the entire incident made me feel like a child again…both parents came down to the basement with stern expressions and told me “we need to talk”…forced me to go for a session with a therapist in south plainfield…turns out cheryl had been seeing her for awhile…i told the shrink about how i was planning on moving out of the house and she seemed to sympathize with me…

and i never saw her again…

(less than a month later i was in the can for assault on the old man)






👈👈👈☜*“CORINNE MELVILLE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥