*UN 'climate change' conference**2017*



*COP 23*
*23rd annual ‘conference’*

*’COP’ –> “conference of the ‘parties’*


(“did (i just hear) somebody say ‘parties'”)

(“did (i just hear) somebody say ‘parties'”)



(‘6 november 2017′ – ’17 november 2017’)
(’12 days’)

(on ‘friday’ (’18 november 2016′), the end of ‘COP 22’, the ‘chairperson’ of ‘COP 23’ from ‘fiji’ announced that it will be held in (‘bonn’ / ‘germany’))

“but why ‘bon’?”


(the 2017 united nations ‘climate change’ conference was an international meeting of ‘political leaders’, ‘non-state actors’, and ‘activists’ to discuss ‘environmental issues’)


(it was held at ‘UN campus’ in (‘bonn’ / ‘germany’))

(the ‘conference’ incorporated the “23rd ‘COP’ to the “‘united nations’ *’framework convention’ on ‘climate change’* (aka ‘UNFCCC’), the 13th ‘meeting’ of the ‘parties’ for the ‘kyoto protocol’ (aka ‘CMP13’), and the 2nd meeting of the parties for the ‘paris ‘agreement’ (aka ‘CMA2’))

(“the 13th…”)
(“uh oh! 

(the ‘purpose’ of the ‘conference’ was to ‘discuss’ and ‘implement’ plans about combating ‘climate change’, including the details of how the ‘paris agreement’ will work after it “enters into ‘force'” in ‘2020’)

(the ‘COP’ was presided over by “frank bainimarama” (‘prime minister’ of ‘fiji’),, marking the first time a “small-island developing state'” assumed the ‘presidency’ of the ‘negotiations’)

(the ‘german government’ provided considerable support that amounted to more than “€117 million” (or “$135.5 million”) for the construction of the ‘conference facilities’)

“how (utterly) ‘ironic'(?)”
“what a ‘waste’ (or ‘time’ and ‘space’)!”
“one small step…”

(although ‘COP23’ focused primarily on technical details of the ‘paris agreement’, it was the first ‘conference of the parties’ to ‘take place’ after ‘president donald trump’ announced that the ‘USA” would withdraw from the ‘agreement’)

(‘COP23’ concluded with what was called the “‘fiji momentum’ for ‘implementation'”, which outlined the ‘steps’ that need to be ‘taken’ in ‘2018’ to make the ‘paris agreement’ operational and launched the ‘talanoa dialogue’ – a ‘process’ designed to help ‘countries’ enhance and implement their ‘nationally determined contributions’ by ‘2020’)

(“this just ‘occurred to me”):
(“to ‘who’?”)
(“who are YOU (to say)?”)



(“master morality”)

(“slave morality”)

(slave morality” aims to replace “master morality”)

(‘intrinsically’ (?))

‘by its very ‘nature’ (?)”

(“meet the ‘new boss’…)

(“lemme guess…”)
(“same as the ‘old boss’?)
(“right on! / that’s right!”

(“(but) how’d you ‘know;?!?”)








👈👈👈 ☜ *“COP 2016”*


*“COP 2018”* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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