
*closed as of ’27 october 2021’*



(west 4th street / 5th avenue)


park closes at midnight
(music closes @ 10pm)


(but it seems that sometimes the cops don’t even bother closing the park…)


(and the homeless sleep in the park…)



*FALL 2006*

busked several times in manhattan’s washington square park at the urging of pellabear…

the black men seemed to dig it but we didn’t collect much money

(and the drive in / parking was a hassle as i lived in watchung NJ at the time)


*7 september 2014*

my voice was shot from a heavy night of drinking on saturday night (as well as two straight days of busking)…tried my best to play some songs with justin sunday night but we weren’t gaining much traction…so i decided to call it a night…

again i make no money with my NYC trip…and now i’m down to my last $25 i need to make sure i choose my next NYC trip VERY WISELY or else i am officially fucked…

i must return to NYC this friday night…

i won’t be able to make it to NYC until 1 december 2014 (a monday)…unless i can make some busking money in the meantime…and not blow it all on booze…it’s too cold to busk anyway…and where do i sleep?

in new york city, amplified instruments require a permit…

so i headed to washington square park…another “band” was performing…i tried my best but didn’t have much luck…just some middle-aged retard who lived with his mother in jersey city…just like the first time @ the park (with pellagatti), i always seem to attract ree-rees who don’t give me money and won’t leave me alone…they tend to frighten away the attractive young girls and moneyed old men…i spent most of my busking dough on a $3 peach snapple @ the local snack stand…i made full use of the park’s public restrooms / portapotties (no matter how gross)…i gotta remember to lock the door behind me whenever i’m in the “bathroom”…i was too grossed out to drink from the public water fountains…

in washington square park i earned a decent amount of spare change…still competing with amplified bands…

the next day, i headed straight to washington square park…mike filmed me for the first 10 minutes…i was thoroughly drowned out by black dance troupes w/ boomboxes and black drummers…still i sang my heart out…after he left i began attracting a crowd…people wondered why with my voice i didn’t have a record deal already…i started to wonder myself…made a decent amount of money and then i headed to union square park…there i was drowned out by the same black dance troupe, some “hare krishna” chanters, and amplified old fogey “folkies”…bummer…all of them garnered more attention than i…


5 june 2014:

(busked in washington square park / union square park)
(tompkins square park isn’t best bet)


(two busking fans from norway + england)
(they are here for 5 days)


7 june 2014:

busked in front of a blue 9 burger joint on 3rd avenue (between 12th and 13th streets) in the east village ’round 2am…

(i was obliged to split my earnings with daniel mckay)

(the homeless young black man who sleeps at the burger joint…)

(because he served as my “barker”…)


(wednesday 6pm)

(hula hoopers)

(get there 5pm)

(luna led me there)


5 NOVEMBER 2015:

(skeletal remains discovered under washington square park)


busked for two straight days in the park
(friday + saturday)

by sunday my voice was too hoarse to busk
(i tried a few songs anyway to no avail)

made (and spent) all my money

started out with MMB in washington square park friday evening
(took us the longest time to find the place)

(we should always walk straight down fifth avenue)

6 may 2015:

caught 11:38am 600 bus to trenton transit center…just missed the 11:59am new york train (the bus was running 10 minutes late)…caught the 12:17pm new york train…took the ACE downtown subway line to the west 4th stop…exited near west 3rd street (right) instead of west 8th street (left)…found a bank of america ATM @ 6th + waverly…

started out with $98 welfare check on friday…

(+ 35 cents already in account)


(-3.35 for starbucks iced coffee)


(-$11 for hopewell bar tab)


(+$51 for hopewell earnings)


(-$31 for round trip train tickets)


(so i just needed to earn $26 to hit my $130 mark)

(i withdrew $40 from my account)
(so that i had $99 in cash on hand)

(got past $130 mark in under an hour)

(i called mellow before 6pm to arrange a meeting @ 9th + 1st)

(then i returned to the park for a second round)

(i broke a b string twice)
(so i went to guitar center for a replacement)
(by the time i arrived back at the park it was getting chilly)
(and i just missed catherine stuck walking by)
(so i packed it in and decided to meet karina and hit up queens)

all quiet in WSP…

23 april 2015:

busked in WSP on friday night + saturday afternoon…earned enough money to warrant a visit to mellow and pick up a quarter of grass…

*10 JULY 2016*

(slept in the park)
(woke up the next morning and played under the arches)
(with duke branto)

(made a few dollars)

(drinking four loco)

(then i yelled at william warren to leave me alone)
(“you’re a nasty drunk!”)

(earned almost $12 under the arches)
(in an hour)

(a really good palestinian artist drawing celebrities on the sidewalk)

(with stunning precision)

(he looked like leonard cohen)

(william warren knew all about him)

(he chain smokers as he works)

(a few days later he drew a great prince figure on the sidewalk)

(in front of the arches)


*7 JULY 2016*

(started playing under the arches before 6pm)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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