*the white house*





(’17 july 2008′)

(“‘northern facade'” with ‘columned portico’ facing ‘lafayette square’)



(’26 may 2006′)

(“‘southern facade’ with ‘semi-circular portico’ facing ‘the ellipse’)




(the white house is the ‘official residence’ + ‘principal workplace’ of the “‘president’ of the ‘united states'”, located at “1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW” in “washington DC”)


(it has been the residence of every “US president” since ‘john adams’ in ‘1800’)

(the term white house is often used as a ‘synecdoche’ to refer to actions of the ‘president’ and his ‘advisers’, as in “the ‘white house’ announced that…”)

(the residence was designed by irish-born architect ‘james hoban’ in the ‘neoclassical style’)

(construction took place between ‘1792’ and ‘1800’ using ‘aquia creek’ sandstone painted ‘white’)

(when ‘thomas jefferson’ moved into the house in ‘1801’, he (with architect ‘benjamin henry latrobe’) added low ‘colonnades’ on each ‘wing’ that concealed ‘stables’ and ‘storage’)

(in ‘1814, during the ‘war of 1812’, the ‘mansion’ was set ablaze by the ‘british army’ in the ‘burning of washington’, destroying the ‘interior’ and charring much of the ‘exterior’)

(‘reconstruction’ began almost immediately, and ‘president james monroe’ moved into the partially reconstructed ‘executive residence’ in ‘october 1817’)

(‘exterior construction’ continued with the addition of the semi-circular ‘south portico’ in ‘1824’ and the ‘north portico’ in ‘1829’)

(because of ‘crowding’ within the ‘executive mansion’ itself, ‘president theodore roosevelt’ had all ‘work offices’ relocated to the newly constructed ‘west wing’ in ‘1901’)

(8 years later, ‘president william howard taft’ expanded the ‘west wing’ and created the first ‘oval office’, which was eventually moved as the section was expanded)

(in the ‘main mansion’, the ‘3rd-floor attic’ was converted to ‘living quarters’ in ‘1927’ by augmenting the existing ‘hip roof’ with long ‘shed dormers’)

(a newly-constructed ‘east wing’ was used as a ‘reception area’ for ‘social events’; jefferson’s ‘colonnades’ connected the new ‘wings’)

(‘east wing’ alterations were completed in ‘1946’, creating additional ‘office space’)

(by ‘1948’, the house’s ‘load-bearing exterior walls’ and ‘internal wood beams’ were found to be close to ‘failure’)

(under ‘harry s truman’, the ‘interior rooms’ were completely dismantled and a new ‘internal load-bearing steel frame’ was constructed inside the ‘walls’)

(once this work was completed, the ‘interior rooms’ were rebuilt)

(the modern-day “‘white house’ complex” includes the ‘executive residence’, ‘west wing’, ‘east wing’, the ‘eisenhower executive office building’ (the former ‘state department’, which now houses ‘offices’ for the president’s staff and the ”vice president’), and ‘blair house’, a ‘guest residence’)


(the ‘executive residence’ is made up of ‘6 stories’…)

‘ground floor’

‘state floor’

‘2nd floor

‘3rd floor’

‘2-story basement’


(the property is a ‘national heritage site’ owned by the ‘national park service’ and is part of the ‘president’s park’)

(in ‘2007’, it was ranked 2nd on the ‘american institute of architects’ list of “america’s favorite architecture”)

(#1 being the ’empire state building’)
(“…(just) in case you were wondering…”)









👈👈👈☜*“WASHINGTON DC”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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