(my conclusions: “wrestling”)

(the whole concept of ‘fake wrestling’ is really ‘homoerotic’)
(the two alleged ‘combatants’ are actually collaborators?)
(i never liked it)
(though in my latter days i have watched it while idly channel surfing)
(i found it amusing)
(larnald’s a big wrestling geek)
(but otherwise is entirely uninterested in sports)
(kenwell liked wrestling because of his latent homo tendencies)
(although i always beat him)

(i like the cartoon aspect of vince mcmahon)
(and some smarmy jewish caricature of a lawyer touting his ‘champion’)
(and the bobo crowds)
(reference ‘bruno’)

(there is no way to justify ‘wrestling’ in any christian nation)
(because in order to succeed you have to learn how to ‘hate’ your opponent)
(i never learned how to do this)
(mostly we were just two really tired worn-down sex-starved adolescents who inexplicably ‘volunteered’ to entertain our parents for free)
(i think a primary impetus of youth sports is to entertain parents)
(and help them relive their childhoods)
(and make up for their own athletic failures)
(this was CERTAINLY the case in my experience)
(i know ALL ABOUT my old man’s entire athletic career)
(and it wasn’t all that impressive)
(although he seemed to think it was)

(wrestling cost carl riccio his life)
(blame his father for riding him so hard)
(another ‘vicarious liver’)

(it gave my brother his greatest accomplishment)
(a state championship)
(the second state champ in “watchung hills history”)














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