“what is ‘life’?”



(my shorthand indication to ‘arv’ informing him of (yet-another) ‘robotrip’ on my part)


“making our mamas proud since…”


(i’ve only ‘abused’ ‘DXM’ + ‘DPH’ alone)


(as in ‘never with ‘family’ nor ‘friends’)

(not even ‘arv’)


(though he did serve as ‘trip sitter’ on ‘countless occasions’…)

(“roastmaster general”)



(“life” is a ‘characteristic’ that distinguishes between…)


(‘physical entities’ that do have ‘biological processes’…)



‘self-sustaining processes’




(…from those that ‘do not’)

(either because such ‘functions’ have ‘ceased’…)

(…or because they never had such ‘functions’ + are thus classified as ‘inanimate’)


(various forms of ‘life’ exist, such as…)









(the criteria can at times be ‘ambiguous’ and may or may not define ‘viruses’ / ‘viroids’ / potential ‘artificial life’ as “living”)


(‘biology’ is the ‘primary science’ concerned with the study of ‘life’, although many other ‘sciences’ are involved)


(the definition of ‘life’ is controversial…)


(the current definition is that ‘organisms’…) 

*maintain ‘homeostasis’*


*are composed of ‘cells’*


*undergo ‘metabolism’*


*can ‘grow’*


*can ‘adapt’ to their ‘environment’*


*can ‘respond’ to ‘stimuli’*


*can ‘reproduce“*


(however, many other ‘biological definitions’ have been proposed)


(there are some ‘borderline cases’ of ‘life’)
(such as ‘viruses’)
(“easy liberace!”)



(throughout history, there have been many attempts to define what is meant by “life” and many theories on the ‘properties’ and ’emergence’ of ‘living things’…)


(belief’ that ‘everything’ is made out of ‘matter’ and that ‘life’ is merely a ‘complex form’ of it)



(belief that all ‘things’ are a combination of ‘matter’ + ‘form’, and the ‘form’ of a ‘living thing’ is its ‘soul’)


‘spontaneous generation’

*the belief that ‘life’ repeatedly emerges from ‘non-life’*



a now largely discredited hypothesis that ‘living organisms’ possess a ‘life force’ (or ‘vital spark’))

why ‘largely discredited’?

“do the discreditors have a better ‘life theory’ they haven’t shared yet?”



(‘modern definitions’ are more ‘complex’, with input from a diversity of ‘scientific disciplines’)


(‘bio-physicists’ have proposed many definitions based on ‘chemical systems’…)


(there are also some ‘living systems theories’…)

(such as the ‘gaia hypothesis’)
(the idea that the ‘earth’ itself is ‘alive’)


(another theory is that ‘life’ is the ‘property’ of ‘ecological systems’)


(and yet another is elaborated in ‘complex systems biology’…)
(a ‘branch’ (/ ‘subfield’) of ‘mathematical biology’)


(‘abiogenesis’ describes the natural process of ‘life’ arising from ‘non-living matter’)


(such as ‘simple organic compounds’)


(properties common to all ‘organisms’ include the need for certain ‘core chemical elements’ to sustain ‘biochemical functions’)


(”life’ on ‘earth” first appeared as early as ‘4.28 billion’ years ago…)

(…soon after ‘ocean formation’ (‘4.41 billion’ years ago) …)

(…not long after the formation of the ‘earth’ 4.54 billion years ago)


(earth’s current ‘life’ may have descended from an ‘RNA’ world)
(although ‘RNA-based life’ may not have been the ‘first’)


(the mechanism by which ‘life’ began on ‘earth’ is unknown, though many ‘hypotheses’ have been formulated and are often based on the ‘miller–urey’ experiment’)


(the earliest known ‘life forms’ are ‘micro-fossils’ of ‘bacteria’)


(‘3.45 billion’ year old ‘australian rocks’ are reported to have contained ‘micro-organisms’)


(in ‘2016’, scientists reported identifying a set of ‘355 genes’ thought to be present in the ‘last universal common ancestor’ (aka ‘LUCA’) of all ‘living organisms’, already a ‘complex organism’ and NOT the first ‘living thing’)


(since its ‘primordial beginnings’, ‘life’ on ‘earth’ has changed its ‘environment’ on a ‘geologic time scale’)


(to ‘survive’ in most ‘ecosystems’, ‘life’ must often ‘adapt’ to a wide range of ‘conditions’)


(some ‘micro-organisms’ (called ‘extremo-philes’) thrive in ‘physically’ or ‘geochemically’ extreme environments that are ‘detrimental’ to most other ‘life’ on ‘earth’)


(‘aristotle’ was the first person to classify ‘organisms’)


(later, ‘carl linnaeus’ introduced his system of ‘binomial nomenclature’ for the ‘classification’ of ‘species’)


(eventually, new ‘groups’ (+ ‘categories’) of ‘life’ were discovered…)

‘examples’ –> ‘cells’ / ‘micro-organisms’ / ‘etc’*

(…forcing ‘dramatic revisions’ of the ‘structure’ of ‘relationships’ between ‘living organisms’)


(‘cells’ are sometimes considered the ‘smallest units’ + “building blocks” of ‘life’)


*there are 2 kinds of ‘cells’* –>





(…both of which consist of ‘cytoplasm’ enclosed within a ‘membrane’ + contain many ‘biomolecules’ (such as ‘proteins’ + ‘nucleic acids’))


(cells ‘reproduce’ through a process of ‘cell division’)

(in which the ‘parent cell’ divides into 2 or more ‘daughter cells’)


(though currently only known on ‘earth’, ‘life’ need not be restricted to it, and many scientists speculate in the existence of ‘extraterrestrial life’)


(‘artificial life’ is a ‘computer simulation’ (or ‘man-made reconstruction’) of any aspect of ‘life’, which is often used to examine ‘systems’ related to ‘natural life’)


(‘death’ is the ‘permanent termination’ of all ‘biological functions’ which sustain an ‘organism’, and as such, is the ‘end’ of its ‘life’)


(‘extinction’ is the process by which an entire ‘group’ or ‘taxon’ (normally a ‘species’) ‘dies out’)


(‘fossils’ are the ‘preserved remains’ (or ‘traces’) of ‘organisms’)



“LIFE” –>

(“a ‘condition’ that distinguishes ‘organisms’ from ‘non-living objects'””)

(in the ‘natural sciences’, “abiogenesis” is the study of how ‘life’ on earth could have arisen from inanimate matter…)

(it should not be confused with evolution, which is the study of how groups of living things change over time)

(growth through metabolism (chemical reactions that maintain life) and reproduction (creation of new organism))

(‘organisms’ are composed of ‘cells’)

(‘cells’ are composed of ‘organelles’)

“organelle” –>

subunit of cell with specific function enclosed in lipid membrane


nucleus –>

small dense region in center of atom containing “nucleons” (protons and neutrons)



(cell without nucleus)


the first living things on earth are thought to be single cell prokaryotes, perhaps evolved from protobionts (organic molecules surrounded by a membrane-like structure)

the oldest ancient fossil microbe-like objects are dated to be 3.5 Ga (billion years old), approximately one billion years after the formation of the Earth itself.  

by 2.4 Ga, the ratio of stable isotopes of carbon, iron and sulfur shows the action of living things on inorganic minerals and sediments and molecular biomarkers indicate photosynthesis, demonstrating that life on earth was widespread by this time.


(cell with nucleus)

on the other hand, the exact sequence of chemical events that led to the first ‘nucleic acids’ is not known


several hypotheses about early life have been proposed, most notably the…

“iron-sulfur world theory”
(‘metabolism’ without ‘genetics’)

“the RNA world hypothesis “
(RNA life-forms)


*building blocks of life* —>

ribonucleic acid

deoxyribonucleic acid (“DNA”)






👈👈👈☜*“LIFE” (AS WE KNOW IT)* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥